Logbook entry

First Friend and Mentor

08 Dec 2022DARCY (DG)
Darcy continued his service with the rank of Rear Admiral within the Federation, once again engaged in pirate hunting in the Bulgas system. While battling in the hazardous zone, his attention was caught by an Anaconda ship. This fearless warrior not only executed daring maneuvers but also simultaneously attacked several pirate ships. Darcy observed the skirmish for a while before swiftly moving in to provide support. Little did he know at that moment that this brave warrior would become his sole close companion in the known universe.

After the brief conflict, he introduced himself to the warrior through the comms. The warrior's name was JUPITERSINE, a person who avoided sharing their past. Despite having served as a general in the Federation for many years, JUPITERSINE had become someone who followed their own path, resisting the impositions of the system. Untrusting of others, yet a personality that wouldn't shy away from fighting wherever the opportunity arose to uphold justice. Over the years, JUPITERSINE not only became the owner of a massive fleet but also managed to establish their own Fleet Carrier, essentially creating their own base in space.

JUPITERSINE approached Darcy not just as a combat companion but also as a mentor. Together, they delved into galactic trade networks, conducted profitable transactions, and established strategic trade routes. While sharing the intricacies of trade with Darcy, JUPITERSINE also provided valuable insights into the political dynamics within the galaxy.

One day, JUPITERSINE not only gifted Darcy a ship but also guided him in starting his own mining operation. During this learning process, Darcy and JUPITERSINE participated in numerous mining operations, reinforcing their ships with the profits from trade.

Over the years, their relationship evolved beyond just being business partners; they became true friends. With JUPITERSINE's formidable fleet and Fleet Carrier, Darcy became a significant presence in the galactic arena. Their partnership was more than just a profitable business venture. They traversed the galaxy, engaged in various adventures, fought side by side in perilous conflicts, and progressed towards establishing their own small empires.

This friendship endured until Darcy transformed from a lone adventurer into a force shaping the galaxy alongside his companion and friend. The lessons taught by JUPITERSINE and the shared adventures further enriched Darcy's story, solidifying his position as a prominent figure on the galactic stage.

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