Logbook entry

Thardoig War

12 Aug 2023DARCY (DG)
"One day, two friends stranded in the depths of space, discovered the cries for help from the Federation when they witnessed a catastrophe the galaxy had never seen before. For the first time in history, Thargoids aggressively launched an invasion into eight systems. In these invasions, millions of people perished, hundreds of stations were shattered or damaged, and thousands of ships turned into wrecks. The situation rapidly progressed in an unforeseen manner, and Thargoids began to conquer humanity.

Darcy and Jupitersine moved towards the besieged systems together to join this war. However, Darcy believed in the possibility of making peace with Thargoids and even finding a way for coexistence, despite his mentor's years of experience claiming it was impossible. Of course, he didn't know he would be referred to as Damon at that time. He would witness the reason for this anger towards Thargoids with his own eyes.

During months of these wars, the duo experienced numerous events and narrowly escaped death many times. However, for the sake of humanity, the Federation and the Empire engaged in joint operations for the first time, and given the seriousness of the situation, there was no turning back. But one day, Jupitersine, stating that the war had no end and losing his faith, decided to withdraw from this battle. Because no matter how many victories were achieved, there was no end, and Thargoids continued to spread. It was the first event where this duo, who respected each other, disagreed, and shortly after, Mentor Darcy was left alone.

While Jupitersine continued his pirate hunting in the Bugas system, Darcy, thinking that just hunting Thargoids was not enough, struggled hopelessly. Once, he saw a station engulfed in flames. When he landed for both refueling and to see what was happening, he faced harsh realities. Despite everything, Darcy, who thought that he could actually get along with Thargoids and even questioned whether there could be coexistence, painfully realized that Thargoids were ruthless anomalies and did not respect human life.

As the war continued, he realized that he was exhausted and started rescuing people from Thargoid systems with a Beluga Liner ship in his fleet. After experiencing dozens of mass scenes and pain, Darcy finally gave up and left Thargoids behind, returning to Bugasa to be with his mentor. A part of his soul was detached; now he had no value in the eyes of the Federation or the Empire...

One day, as he sat in his ship and delved into his own thoughts, he repeatedly relived the past pains and losses in his mind. To distance himself from these, he decided to go to a region he had known the name of for years but had never had the strength to go so far - COLONIA..."

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