Logbook entry

I guess I am doing this

15 Nov 2022Curious.Sparrow
I recently met a new pilot and did some (very rare) non-solo flying. Their name is H of the Woods, and we had a wonderful time--it felt like maybe we had known each other in another life or something--anyway, they were talking about keeping a logbook and I got to thinking about it. I've decided that there are definitely things I want to be able to remember.

I got burned the other day by a leak in a client's security. I got the contract offer, decided to accept it, and went where I was supposed to look for my contact. Cue blazing beams of light from a Cobra MkIII that was waiting for me. Turns out that the Federal Navy may have a mole... but who am I to say? Either way, I made short work of him and dropped his escape pod at the nearest station because I'm a nice girl, most of the time. I get another message, "hey, sorry, umm.. we think we have a leak but we fixed it, we think. we are reaaallly sorry and can offer you more money to try again, without an aggressive response."

I mulled it over for a bit while blasting chunks off of some asteroids and eventually decided to accept. Well, wouldn't ya know, it was the same. Yet again there were angry lights heading my way! This guy took a bit more time and managed to drop my shields once, but I took out his engines and weapons. I figured that he had life support and comms, he can figure out something. Following that, I found the contact I was supposed to meet up with and the rest of the delivery was a breeze. This definitely makes me wonder about the general competency of the Federation when they've got such obviously poor OPSEC skills.

Once I dropped the data off, I discovered I was in a system near Cmdr H of the Woods so off to Tiolce I went. We traveled together while I finished some contracts in neighbouring systems and had some fun practicing wing maneuvres/timing. It made for some well-timed dual jumps to supercruise and frameshift jumps. Speaking of, I've been diving into some aerospace history!

I came across a cache of various media from the early 3rd Millenium and it is a treasure trove. I can see the beginnings of modern space travel, and hearing some of the stuff I studied in the actual voices of the people who did this stuff is a proper delight. Right now I am looking into the early years of the ion drive, it is truly fascinating.
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