Logbook entry

Personal log entry - Commander's record: Secrets of Gamma [4/4]

25 Jun 2024N.Copernicus
### Logbooks of CMDR Copernicus

#### Date: 10 September 3309

Start of Entry

#### Personal log entry - Commander's record: Secrets of Gamma [4/4]

The base's dark corridors seemed to close in around us as the tension grew. The sudden attack on Okuma and Specialist Pears by an unknown Scorpion vehicle added an unexpected layer of danger to our mission. I could hear the distant rumble of the battle over our comms, punctuated by static and the occasional sharp bark of orders.

"Sergeant Okuma, status report!" I called into the comms, trying to keep my voice steady despite the anxiety gnawing at my gut. "Commander, we're under heavy fire from an unknown Scorpion. We've managed to evade the initial barrage and taken cover, but it's not giving up. We're pinned down," Okuma's voice came through, strained but controlled. "Hold your position. We'll find a way to get you support," I replied, glancing at my team. We were in the heart of the abandoned station, with no immediate way to assist them directly. "Summers, can you get a fix on the attacking Scorpion's origin?"

Summers nodded, his hands flying over his datapad. "I'm scanning now. If that Scorpion is broadcasting any signals, we'll pick it up." While Summers worked, I turned to the rest of the team. "We need to find any operational systems in this base that can help us. There must be something we can use against that Scorpion or to get a message out for assistance."

Frey and Sanders moved to check the nearby control panels and data terminals, while Kiefers and Rodriges kept a lookout for any additional threats. The base's eerie silence was broken only by the occasional distant thud of explosions outside. "Commander, I've got something," Summers said, his face illuminated by the glow of his datapad. "It looks like the attacking Scorpion is coming from a nearby hidden facility. It's not part of the original base setup—might be an enemy outpost." "Can you pinpoint the location?" I asked. "Sending coordinates to your datapad now," Summers replied.

I studied the coordinates and quickly formed a plan. "Alright, we need to disable that outpost. If we take it out, we might neutralize their Scorpion and give Okuma and Pears a fighting chance. Frey, Sanders, you're with me. Summers, stay here and try to keep our comms open. Kiefers, Rodriges, keep securing the area and be ready for extraction." We moved swiftly through the base, following the path Summers had mapped out. The abandoned corridors twisted and turned, filled with the detritus of a bygone era. My mind raced with questions—who had set up this outpost, and why were they attacking us? As we approached the hidden facility, the sounds of battle grew louder. We could see the flashes of weapons fire through the narrow windows. Carefully, we moved into position, using the cover of the base's structure to avoid detection.

"On my mark," I whispered, signaling Frey and Sanders to get ready. "Three, two, one, go!"

We burst into the outpost, weapons drawn. The interior was a mess of haphazardly set-up equipment and crates. Two figures in combat suits turned to face us, their surprise giving us the split-second advantage we needed. We fired, taking them down before they could react. "Secure the area!" I ordered, moving to the control panel in the center of the room. "Frey, see if you can find anything on the systems related to their Scorpion." Frey's fingers danced over the controls. "I'm in. They've got control links to the Scorpion, but I can't disable it completely. I can only disrupt its systems temporarily."

"Do it," I said. "Any advantage we can give Okuma and Pears is worth it."

"Disrupting now," Frey said, her fingers moving quickly over the interface. "It'll be a brief window, but it should throw them off." The sounds of the Scorpion's weaponry outside briefly ceased, replaced by a burst of static. "Okuma, Pears, the Scorpion should be disrupted for a short time. You need to hit it now!" I called into the comms. "Copy that, Commander," Okuma's voice came through, tense but determined. "Pears, lock on and fire!"

Through the comms, I could hear the familiar sound of the Scorpion's Aculeus Launcher. A moment later, a distant explosion echoed through the facility.

"Direct hit, Commander! The enemy Scorpion is down!" Okuma reported, relief evident in his voice. "Good work, Okuma. Secure the area and regroup with us at the base," I replied, feeling the tension begin to ease. "Frey, excellent job on the disruption." As we made our way back to the main facility, the tension slowly began to ease. But the questions remained. Who were these attackers? What were they guarding? And how had they known we were coming?

Back at the base, Okuma and Pears rejoined us, their faces grim but determined. "We found some equipment on the attackers," Okuma said, holding up a small device. "Looks like a signal jammer. They were trying to cut us off from the outside." "Let's take a look at that," Summers said, examining the device. "We might be able to trace its origin." I nodded, feeling the weight of the unknown pressing down on me. "Alright, let's get to work. We need answers before we can leave this planet."

As the team got to work, I took a moment to update the logbook. This mission was turning out to be far more dangerous than anticipated. But we were explorers, pioneers in the vast unknown. And we would uncover the secrets of Hawking's Gap, no matter the cost.

End of Entry
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