Renegade / Rebel
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Krait Phantom YP-6
Overall assets
Sidewinder Syndicate
Zachary Hudson

Logbook entry

1st Entry.. Long overdue

01 Apr 2024GOFFBALL
After some time discovering, learning, and experiencing the ins and outs, its about time for a recap entry on what I've been up too while traversing the known, as well as the unknown.

Early on in my journey, I was lucky enough to meet and be involved with a few really competent, and quite capable Commanders. My learning curve was quite fast, all things considered. Although these first few months were exciting, and my experience was nothing less than positive. Although the group of pilots did not stay active, there were memorable moments.

Later on, I crossed paths with a larger, seemingly more cohesive Squadron. There too, I learned from them. My experiences and skill improved quickly. I felt like I had found a good place, and group to spend time exploring the entirety of the Galaxy. However, as in all things, conflicts arise. Some matters grew in magnitude, and eventually became hard lines that could not be bridged. Personalities, accusations, and labels were cast by the masses, and I felt it was time to move on to a more mature environment. I left the Squadron, found a new one, and was quickly accepted into their fold.

Ironically, it was not just me who felt this way about my former Squadron, there were others. By leaving them and their ideologies behind, and no one there to challenge their ideas, allowed them to conduct not much less than character assassinations against Commanders, both in and out of the Squadron. So, in good sport, a retribution and a propaganda campaign were launched by myself and a few others. Within just a few weeks of effort, the old group began to crumble, become so toxic, that it began to feed on, and consume itself. This led to more and more Commanders leaving for a more fulfilling environment. Success was achieved! For now, that group of commanders still stands, but much less competent, and less experienced in skills that might possibly have been a threat to anyone else. A quite satisfying moment for myself.. even if others might have found it controversial.

Outside of the unfortunate, never ending, unfolding drama, I have dipped my toes into other Elite areas, and Dangerous scenarios. I've participated in the destruction of two Thargoid Titans, Tanaris and Leigong. I won't say that I was entirely successful in my endeavors, but I was far from a failure.. So, I guess I can say it was a win.

For now, the influx of new members arriving in the new Squadron, coming from the old one, has put me on edge.. I am unsure what the future holds, but I am far more comfortable and confident in future escapades, with or without the help of others. I can only hope that the Galaxy can continue to provide content that holds my enthusiasm captive, and keep me engaged.
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