Renegade / Rebel
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Krait Phantom YP-6
Overall assets
Sidewinder Syndicate
Zachary Hudson

Logbook entry


03 Apr 2024GOFFBALL
These creatures are a menace.
Initially, I did my damnedest to avoid them. However, with a little nudging, mentoring, and sometimes bad advice, I've managed to get a working knowledge of their flight characteristics, maneuvers, and tactics. I can quickly send the smaller ones to the ethers, and pretty much hold my own with with the basic flowers.. but there are some that I have no interest in tangling with yet.
Skills continue to be honed, and I'm less intimidated by their presence.
The Titan class of Thargoids seem to be losing power in the Galaxy. Just a few weeks ago, there were 8. Thanks to the AXI community, and some several renegade pilots with the steel to face them, the Titans have been reduced in numbers, and controlled systems. It seems as if there are more pilots arriving in the area and signing up to take part in their extermination. At the time of this entry, the Titans numbers have been reduced by 2, down to 6.
I'll on continue to do my part, clearing out as many as I can in the Putas System, near the Delaunay Orbital and Ryan Port. Luckily for me.. I am not doing it alone, as I regularly see Anti-Xeno and AXI pilots in the area.
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