Logbook entry

Deja Vu

03 Dec 2022Blox_
Watching the recent cascade of events has felt like...a recurring nightmare. Making me replay what happened that day in Maia again, and again, and again. The chaos, the debris, the fires...it's still hard to think about. But all of this has brought me to realize that I can't run from it. Not anymore. Not when what's happening is so above and beyond my own personal problems that I've been too damn lazy to fix. It's time to face the fire.

Had a real fear of those space bugs ever since that day. Hell, took a while for me to just stop being afraid of normal ass space. Been trying to work up the courage to do something about my fears ever since I became a Commander, but no cigar. Looks like life isn't giving us much of a choice now, though. They're in our yard now, and if we don't do something about it, it'll soon be that they're at our doorstep. And I'm not letting my past be an excuse to not do my part in all this.

Anyways, never made a log before. Guess I'd better start now, just in case someone finds me as green-coated wreckage. Not quite sure what I'm gonna do yet. I've worked off a lot of the initial nervousness of getting near those things, but I don't think I'm quite ready to start blasting them into combat bonds. I've got my old mining ship that's been collecting dust in Ehecatl's shipyard - maybe it could do some good as an evacuation ship...
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