Logbook entry

LOG 13: (Missions) Personal Log - Ram Tah & Guardians

02 Jan 2018ThomasWJames
CMDR: Thomas W. James
Date: January 2nd, 3304
Time: 20:00
Location: Meene
Topic: Missions

I've been given a mission by the engineer Ram Tah on the Guardians Ancient Sites. I have begun the mission following the parameters set by my fellow CANONN Commanders. So far I'm doing really well following their leads and directions. This mission payout will be 111,000,000 Cr if completed on time.

The Guardian Sites have me completely enthralled, they are fascinating and at the same time eerily spooky. The logs I'm collecting are something else as well, the Guardians created their own creatures to hunt as food and eventually even fight their wars for them. I'm wondering if these creatures the logs mention may not be Thargoids. It would be one reason why Guardian Artifacts make Thargoid Structures go crazy.

While on my journey to complete this mission I have also visited the Guardian "Brain Trees" that are often found on nearby planets inside ejecta crater. This is all so fascinating. Could these have been their food farms or even farms for their biological weapons? The mystery baffles me and I want to take it head-on.

Also, during my travels to complete this mission I have visited the Megaship Cete. The doomed megaship headed by Professor Melville to discover all the Guardian Sites, including their homeworld. The logs reveal a sad and scary story of betrayal and murder upon the ship. All were lost and the information Melville had on the Guardians is lost with him.

I have completed my mission and now I must return back to Ram Tah with all my findings. After I turn these in, I plan to set out again and search for more Guardian Sites and possibly "Brain Trees". With my new found fortune I should have enough to buy an Anaconda, but I'm still not sure my Asp Explorer Stargazer is just a beauty to handle. We shall see what I will do still. For now I rush back to turn in my data. What an excellent way to start a new year! Here's to 3304!

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