Logbook entry

Tinfoils and Biscuits

17 Oct 2016Yure
Yure looked at the tinfoil hatted man with all the seriousness he could muster. The man himself held his own serious look over a clipboard. After a momentary standoff, Yure felt he might have overreached. "Well, technically a research technician." The former Federal pilot nodded his head up and down as if to confirm his own story. He felt awkward. Though he wasn't sure if it was the part that he was lying, or that the ledger man had a tinfoil hat and was seemingly passing judgment with a stern gaze.

Yure raised his hands in surrender and rolled his eyes. "Alright. Technician assistant." Not giving the man a chance to question it, he tried to change the subject. "I heard ya'll were looking for people... Canonn right? I am in the correct place, right? Yure gave the man a wry crooked smile. The man in turn gave a suspicious look, but then looked down at his pad. "Well. What exactly do you do Mr...."

"Commander Yure" Yure said with a double handed tug to his vest. He might have changed professions, but there wasn't a chance in hell he'd give up his title.

Of course that immediately arose suspicion again. "Commander is it? No longer settling for technician assistant?"

Yure was starting to get impatient. Not one to cower he quickly replied. "Yeah. Commander. Picked up my license even before I served." Sometimes the truth worked best when covering one's intent. "Pop's was a junker, and I learned to run the rig early." Yure smiled his sly smile. "Lots of experience on a ship. Not too much on the planetary stuff, but can get in a fight too. So listen... you guys looking or what? Am not here for the 21 questions game.

The tinfoil hatted man stared at him a moment more and finally shook his head as he looked towards the ledger. Then he looked up at Yure's old rig. An adder that had seen better days. Cargo had already been unloaded and stacked nicely. Presentation was always a nice detail when applying for a gig.

The tin foiled hatted man looked back at Yure. "Wasn't expecting any cargo from your ship. What do you bring?'

"Oh, just some stuff I picked up along the way. Scraps mostly... but those pods too. Yure replied.

The man stepped close to inspect them. Immediately he stepped back as if he'd seen a snake amongst the cargo. He looked back at Yure with a hateful gaze. "We do not condone slavery. It is an illegal and immoral business and you best take...

Yure was already waving his hands dismissively. "Woah, woah, woah, bud! You got me all wrong. These were driftwood. Floating around in a wreck. I picked up their signal...

"I know exactly how you scum operate! Many defenseless slaves have retold their story, on how they awoke to be someone's property."

"Dude, the name calling. Not necessary. I saved these poor saps."

"That does not make them your property!" The tinfoil hatted man's nostrils began to expand as he fumed. To be honest Yure wasn't sure why he hadn't already called the port authorities.

"I didn't say they were. Look I just picked them up. I bring them here, you guys can defrost them. How is that a crime? You think they'd rather be floating around for who knows however long? Wake 'em up and ask them.

The man began to ease back down. "So you don't partake in the trade?"

"Well no... but if there is a reward I won't say no." Yure raised his eyebrows and tried to peek on the man's tab. Which the man promptly pulled away.

"No, no reward! I will be confiscating these now..."

"The recruitment office?"


"The recruitment office. Where is it?"

"Not too far. Down in Sector Bravo... but you need to get this matter straightened out first."

Yure was already walking away. He waved the man off. "Just call the authorities, they'll pick 'up. Make sure to give em my name in case they need to find me. Commander Yure. Remember it!
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