Logbook entry

1 February 3304

01 Feb 2018Whipley
CMDR's log, first of February 3304.
Leonard Station, Har Pahary System, Imperial Space

Spent the past few months in the Ix system, working on contract jobs for the Federal Navy. Shuttled around cargo and data, destroyed a ton of sentry skimmers, killed a buttload of pirates and criminals (the Feds don't mess around), and shuttled a bunch of people between stars.

The last straw came when I was ferrying some puffed-up bigwig in the local government. Refused to make a stop to pick dinner for this stooge and he ended up blasting himself out of the ship in an escape pod about 230,000 ls from the local star... Not too sure what he was thinking, but I was glad to be done of him. Unfortunately for me he had friends in high places and I was quickly put on the persona non grata list with the local feds. Honestly, I was lucky to make that last boost out of the mail slot at Scully-Power... They were out to get me. The fact that I made a ton of money from being the taxi driver for local criminal masterminds probably didn't help much, either.

Anyway, here I am at Leonard Station in Har Pahary. I chose this system because it's on the fringes and it's also on the side facing the Pleaides; perfect vantage point to watch the recent unpleasantness with these flower-driving Thargoids.

Oh, that reminds me, been over to see the Professor just the other day and came across quite a lot of destroyed Imperial ships in Maia and the rest of the Pleaides. For a while it was just the Feds the Goids were going after, guess the Imps pissed them off as well. One of the bastards pulled me out of witch-space on my way back and hit me with some sort of disruption field before I could boost out. Must've been too small, as he let me go. Wondered if I was gonna get some sort of anal probe for a moment there. Not sure what these Goids are up to, but to me they don't seem to be hostile unless you fuck with em. My kind of bugs.

So, been working the Imps, now. We'll see where this takes us. I will say that my shiny new Courier is a thing of beauty. Fast. Clean. Flies like a dream. Runs a bit hot, though. Anyway, it's been interesting to explore the nearby systems and see what life in the empire is like. Wondering if there are any other pilot's federation types around here? I'd like to make some allies.
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︎2 Shiny!
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