Holiday Recap and...future?
05 Jan 2023TheBlackxRanger
Figured I start logging my recent playtime, lets start from the beginning. I picked up Elite Dangerous as our gaming club, Emperor's Hammer, started playing together around Christmas time. My first experiences were pretty fun, having a HOTAS I had plenty of experiencing translated over from Star Wars Squadrons and the older Star Wars flight sims, so I immediately was a natural.My first big challenge was delivering the Christmas presents in a sidewinder, i eventually saved up enough funds for a hauler just to make my journey a little easier. What I learned quickly was that instead of manually trekking to Njaalmba, I could have just taken a long range shuttle instead.
But, whats a game without making mistakes along the way? I learned that after spending many many jumps, I was collecting system data which netted me a cool 500,000 credits, I used that to purchase the hauler i mentioned earlier and began the Christmas quests.
I was told that it wasn't worth my time, and that there's better ways to earn money. But it was about completing the Christmas event that really pushed me towards completion, not to mention the easiest 20 million credits a newbie can earn (plus some cosmetics).
I put that 20 mil to good use and upgraded to the next combat ship, before you know it, I was already bounty hunting! Later in the week, and after the New Years holiday, I saved up enough for a Python already, with the help of my squadron with some seed money from team missions.
My next goal I think would be to upgrade the python with the money that I have, originally I planned on going the Anaconda route and upgrading that, but I'm not too sure about a larger ship. Bigger ship means that I am limited to large landing pads, which could add difficulty that I'm not ready for.
So far so good, I'll try to remember that I should keep my logs going more often to chronicle our adventures.