Logbook entry

Carcosa waits

29 Jan 2023Pieceterminator
Stardate... whatever, it's not like the holovids where some randome heroic captain dictates a Log to the computer, besides it's more
practical to type it in.

Screw this war and the Powers in particular. Like any politicians they should walk out the airlock without a suit,
maybe in front of a firing squad....

Aegis doomed humanity helps humanity with the Xeno agressors. After all they started it provide the
technology. But i can't stop but ask myself which one of the suit wearing clowns gets filthy rich by selling all the
anti alien weapons to those bloodthirsty heroic volunteers who jump into the fight.
Does it make sense?
Maybe I should hop into my ship and fight too. For what? The benefit of humanity, suvival, money? Humanity pays the price for the
failure of their leaders again, so nothing particularly new on this topic and like most commanders, i did worse things for money.

Shooting up civilian ships in a system? How much? Shooting up terrorist and other questionable individuals? Here is my bounty voucher...
The bigest mystery in the Galaxy besides the motives of a Thargoid would be the bipolar nature of every Commander in the Pilots
Federation, although the shiny new space ship doesn't pay itself. Motives, idiologies who knows what drives them.

The plants, fungie and bacteria growing on the end of the galaxy don't care and to be honest I don't want to care.
All the countless dead and refugees? It's tragic yet i can't help myself to see it as something distant, something I shouldn't be
involved in yet. Maybe it's a mistake i don't know. At least not for now.
this begins to sound like a manifesto or something, or the ramblings of a paranoid scizophrenic, why did i start with this?

The deep space calls like a siren...Not like the other siren who is hard to read. This damn place... and i find myself hooked
up to the sound again. Exploration, all the small plants and fungie and the others. I made a goal for myself as usual.
A Destination, on the way find more life, maybe some new plantes and maybe something interesting. It's a hunt, not as exiting as
some people would prefer but i like it. At least for a while.

Destination: Carcosea
I heard somewhere it's a System, i can't remember. Something draws me to it, maybe its the name,
maybe I am looking for an excuse to go out there. Mostly the name, ominous, something that you would hear in a tale or an old
kingdom or something. It's a destination as good as any other, at least that's what i am telling myself.
The other Place... a rumor, maybe it exist, maybe not. At least I know where to go.

Day 1: Start Ross 42
The start of the route is going through the COL sector, nothing in particular interesting yet, some systems are not discovered.
Scooping fuel was a chore, finding the right stars without deviating from the route.

Swoiwns TD-W b49-3: materials gathering
materials: mainly Sulphur
gysier: scanned
crash site: scrapped what was left. To many lifepods not enough cargo space, didn't pick any of them up.
the feeling of guilt should be over soon.

25 out of 248 jumps for the first waypoint, I have the feeling i will regret it after the next 100jumps
Note: keep it professional like a real starship captain, stop making logs about random stuff and get youreself a bigger ship with a co pilot
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