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Green on Green: Thargoids Poised to Resurge?

29 Nov 2023Dayson Fane
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Starting broadcast..

Greetings and salutations, my fellow free people of the galaxy! Dayson Fane, here, coming to you from Alliance space near Thargoid Titan Oya. Why here, you might ask? Well, besides the continuation of the great crusade for which my rebel soul burns, I'm of the opinion that there's quite a bit to watch for.

As you might have heard by now, the Alliance isn't too pleased with their arrangement with Sirius Corporation. Now, I'm no fan of Mr. Li Yong-Rui or his private empire protected by the interstellar elitists, so I say this with bile in my throat, but I'd rather have them than the proposed alternative. Who is it that wants to take the place of Sirius? None other than Azimuth Biotech - the most vile, amoral, unethical corporation of the millennium. Oh, they'll crank out weapons for the Alliance, all right. But what will the cost be? How many souls will be lost or twisted by their greed? How many more Thargoids will the unanticipated malfunctions of these weapons bring down upon us?

You might argue that Azimuth is drying out faster than a sponge in the desert thanks to the efforts of my lovely colleagues in the Anti-Club Accord. You'd be right about that. Yet Torben Rademaker, like his predecessor, is a slimy and tenacious weasel. Even as his company loses more and more and more assets, along with public favor, I'm completely convinced that he's got something up his sleeve to force his way into an Alliance partnership. What kind of horrific scheme could he be hatching, I wonder?

Now, don't quote me on this, because I've got no solid evidence... yet. If you ask me, though, something could very well be brewing near Titan Oya, the closest Thargoid invasion center to the seat of Alliance government. Suppose, for example, that some incredible new weapon or behavior emerges that overwhelms human anti-xeno efforts in the region? What would the reaction be, then? With the Alliance Parliament already under political pressure, would they cave to Azimuth's demands in the face of a sudden, additional military pressure?

Am I implying that Azimuth knows something about the Thargoid war plan? Am I insinuating that they can somehow influence Thargoid forces? Not necessarily. However, it wouldn't necessarily take any action on the part of our angry alien neighbors to achieve the effect Azimuth wants.

What if Azimuth - or their supporters in the Club - deployed a human element to sabotage the border defenses around Oya? In the chaos of a whole new slew of fallen systems, it'd be easy to manipulate the narrative and say that the Thargoids found a new vulnerability to exploit. Some individual humans might not be fooled, but the masses would absolutely frenzy if the right misinformation were to propagate. That's all Rademaker would need to have the ear of the Alliance Admiralty, if not Edmund Mahon himself.

And with those leaked transmissions just over a week ago discussing the existence of real human-Thargoid hybrid super-operatives, I'm even more disturbed. I have it on good authority, ladies and gentlemen, that numerous stations and installations along the borders of Thargoid-controlled space have been suffering network breaches, digital sabotage, and unexplained losses of service. They've kept it real quiet, but they can't hide it from ol' Dayson. Could Azimuth have actually predicted what the entity commanding the Thargoids might do with a hybrid agent under their control? If they did make that prediction, and if that really is who's conducting these digital attacks, then it might only be a matter of time before we see a fresh, new Thargoid tide.

I hope like hell that I'm wrong. But just in case I'm not, I'm gonna keep looking and, as always, keep up the fight for freedom from those who lord over the helpless from distant castles. Make sure you stay glued to your newsfeeds, folks! It's about to get real messy out here.

Broadcast ended.
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