Logbook entry

The Colonia Letters #1

21 Feb 2024Kira Eyre
Dear Lhorndra,

Surprise! It’s me, Kira. I’m still alive. Yay! And I guess you are, too. Long time no see. How should I even begin to talk to you? Anyway, I have some news.

Ever since mom died, I haven’t felt that I belong here. Or anywhere. The ongoing Thargoid war made things worse. I want to get as far away from this war, from everything, as possible.

Though to honest, that feeling started even earlier, I think: after you left us, years ago, in a pathetic attempt to become Elite in some pompous space race competition. Well, it looks like you’ve achieved that. How? Did you join whatever cause you deemed lucrative enough? Good for you, I suppose. And these days, you’re even into suicidal thrills? I’ve seen that Thargoid Titan in your personal InstaGal feed. You are totally insane. These things will kill you.

See? Even though these are my words, it’s all about you again. As long as I can remember, you were always ahead of me. Mom told me to follow your footsteps sooo many times. Well. Guess what? I will. In a sense.

I’m going to leave the Bubble for Colonia, and I’m not coming back.

Remember our trips in the Stella, mom’s old Cobra? Remember playing in zero g during those boring trade missions? Fun times. Stella is gone now. Before mom died, she sold Stella to pay off debts I didn’t even know about. So I’m not taking Stella to Colonia. All I can afford at the moment is… a Hauler. I know you’re going nuts right now, and I know what you’re thinking. But please! Do not contact me to offer me some of your millions. Or is it billions now? I don’t want any of your comfy long-range vessels either. That’s exactly my point. It’s not about you. It’s not about you saving me or whatever. I have to go on my own journey alone.

At least mom left Stella’s old AFMU behind, so that should help. Oh, and some stuff that I took to those creeps Farseer, Martuuk and, um, Dweller. (Seriously, this dude has issues.) Enhanced my Hauler quite a bit, though.

I named my new ship Lise, after Lise Meitner. I’m sure she would understand. Lise even features a SRV bay now, though I have to admit it’s rather cramped. Nevertheless, I should have installed everything I need.

Lhorndra, I thought it only fair to tell you I’m leaving for good. I’ll also keep you updated if I can. I have to admit that I’m scared. But I have to do it. Alone. I will get to Jaques Station! And my way, not the Colonia Highway way. Who knows, maybe I’ll even meet some famous Colonians (is that the right word?), like Petra Olmanova or Ian Doncaster.

Since I didn’t want to spend my last night in the Bubble on a space station, I went to Pestille’s Anvil on Cordenses 5 d. As you may have guessed, I will start my journey at Jackson’s Lighthouse. Lhorndra, I really do want to see you again sometime. Maybe after you’ve come down from your high horse.

By the way, I have painted the Lise purple. I know you hate purple.


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