Logbook entry

The Colonia Letters #6

01 Apr 2024Kira Eyre
Dear Lhorndra,

I made it! I arrived at Jaques Station. Woohoo! I can’t quite believe it yet. Hopefully the locals here will be nice, and less interested in power games and wars than in the bubble. At least the access corridor of Jaques Station says “Friends Welcome!”

So, I’m here now, in Colonia. I don’t know what I’m going to do here yet. Maybe I’ll continue doing exobiology. Maybe I’ll write about my experiences, so that other people (without a lot of money either) can follow my example. Maybe I will start my own business. But first, I will look for a new home.

I can’t believe my tiny Hauler has lasted this long without maintenance. It seems that the hull damage wasn’t critical at all. However, I have to admit the cramped conditions on board and the lack of comfort were getting on my nerves. Mom’s Cobra had a decent galley at least with real coffee and real food. On board a Hauler, you don’t have any creature comforts. I’m beginning to understand why many commanders fly larger ships.

Well, I guess that’s it for now. You are welcome to visit me, if you feel like it. And if your obsession with adventures, Thargoids and hunting for shiny medals hasn’t already killed you.

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︎3 Shiny!
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