Logbook entry

The Big Day

13 May 2023Taneth
Slept in this morning. Today's the big day. Decided to hang out in the bar for a bit and listen to the tunes. I know in a few weeks I'll start missing these smells, sounds, the thrumming music, clinking glasses, chatter of the locals.

My second big trip out into the black. Could be my last. Who knows how long it'll take or when I'll be back. If I'll be back.

Ship's a go. All engineering completed, except what I hope to get in my pit stop to Colonia. All synthesis mats collected and secure in the ship's hold. The Ecco is fully prepped, fueled, and ready.

Am I?

Gonna make the long haul to Hutton Orbital before I head out. I know it's silly, but I've always wanted to take a mug out to Beacon Point. Not sure if I can hang on to something that long, but I guess we'll see.

Splurging on a glass of Lavian Brandy. My god, it's crazy to think this could be my last glass. Or that it will be weeks, months, maybe even years before I can have another.

I hope there's still a home left when/if I get back. Maybe it's wrong to leave with the 'goids on the offensive. Done my share of bounty hunting, but those bugs scare the hell out of me... and I've never even seen one! The vids are bad enough.

Nope. Gonna take my chances out there. If I make it back maybe I'll join the fight.

Hope you're still here, bubble.
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︎3 Shiny!
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