Logbook entry

Two Days Out

16 May 2023Taneth
It's only been two days, but it already feels like I'm good and lost. I love this feeling. I decided to make one last stop before I left home and headed over to Lave to pick up some brandy. Turns out I couldn't stand the thought of that being my last glass after all. I may be slightly short on the sauce and mugs by the time I reach Beagle, but if I still have anything I'll drop it off.

I'm totally flying in the wrong direction, though. I've always wanted to head out to the Outer Arm. I did take a trip down to the edges far down below the galactic plane just before entering the Wayfarer's Graveyard. That was... eerie. Nothing but black in front of you can strain a man's mind into strange places. I spent a day taking it in before heading back towards the light. For now. Something about that black, though. It's like it calls to me. Probably just the brandy talking.

I've started trying my hand at finding biologicals. It can be... frustrating, at times. There's been a few times I thought my DSS was playing tricks on me. Other times it's been enjoyable and I've discovered or confirmed a few interesting species of flora. Should make for some good credits when I next moor my ship somewhere.

Slept like a baby last night. Heading towards an interesting system I found on the galmap. It's still a ways off but you know what they say... it's about the journey. Anyway, didn't make much progress yesterday because I got sidetracked while tinkering with my HUD. I finally fixed the glitch that was causing some of the system's default oranges to creep back in. I hope it's not a sign of wider issues with the OS. It would suck to have real software problems while out here alone, and I'm no programmer.

I'm gonna take it pretty easy this week. What's the rush?
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︎3 Shiny!
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