Logbook entry

One Week Out

20 May 2023Taneth
Well... it's been a week. All systems still normal, including me. As far as I can tell, anyway.

Last night I found my first undiscovered earthlike world. The sheer exhilaration I felt when the FSS picked up its signal just took my breath away. I was so excited to fly up to it... I nearly forgot to map the surface. It was beautiful. It's a real shame this ship isn't rated for full atmo landings. I would've loved to see what was down there.

I've been logging tons of data. Almost caught back up with what I lost after the 'incident' earlier in the week.

The Ecco is holding up beautifully. I think I really made a good choice with Saud's Dolphin model. The Asp I flew before was fine and all, but this ship is far more comfortable for long hauls like this. Honestly, I feel a little spoiled by the low-end luxury out here in the black.

I expect to be coming up on my next point of interest today. I hope it's as beautiful as they said in the logs. We'll see soon!
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︎2 Shiny!
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