Logbook entry

Just Another Day, I Suppose

26 May 2023Taneth
Day 14 | 13,632LY from Sol | Formidine Rift | Dryi Aescs Region

I'm finally starting to approach the system with the DSSA carrier reported in this region, which means I'm beginning to get close to the start of the Outer Arm and therefore close to reaching the end of the first leg of my tenuously planned expedition. I've discovered quite a bit that hasn't been seen before and there's something fulfilling about knowing that... about knowing that I am contributing to the knowledge of the entirety of humanity.

I'm not going to lie here, though, I'm still a little concerned about what I will find when I reach the DSSA. I've never been to one before... that project hadn't begun the last time I was out in the black. There's something to be said about truly being out on your own and every jump taking you even further away from support. I'll be glad to see a few folks, sell some cartographic data, and maybe have a drink of something other than Lavian Brandy. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I brought the stuff with me and I'm thankful to have it. Helps me sleep.

The Ecco is starting to show some wear. I noticed when I disembarked to scan some bacterial colony growths that the paint has begun to wear thin in some places. I suppose its from all the thin atmospheric approaches or maybe fine particulates in space. Back in the bubble it'd be nothing to get it fixed up at a station. Just throw some credits at it. I guess that makes her look like a bit more of an authentic frontier ship, eh? She's showing her mileage.

She was a good decision. This has been a much more comfortable jaunt than my last. Saud just knows how to build for comfort better than Lakon, even if the latter are excellent workhorses. It's not entirely opulent, but it is pretty nice to have a bit of luxury out here.

Currently in the system designated as SX-L d7-1. Was already discovered, but none of it was mapped. I found a terraformable high metal world, but what was more shocking was that my scanners picked up twenty-seven biological signals. TWENTY SEVEN! I've never seen a system so teeming with life outside the bubble, or devoid an earthlike. I've finished scanning two planets worth, but I was exhausted and had to turn in. Figured I was overdue for a log.

Not sure what else to say at this point, so I guess I'll sign off. I suppose I'll update again when I reach the DSSA.

Still hope they aren't a bunch of nutters.
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