Logbook entry

Sights, Sounds, Uhh... You Said How Much?!

01 Jun 2023Taneth
Day 19 | 21,393LY from Sol | Formidine Rift | Graesms Region | DSSA CW Brazilian Flag

It's been a little bit since my last update, so I guess I was due. I'm sitting here in the lounge on the DSSA CW Brazilian Flag, listening to the loud music and the nearly drowned-out voices of people talking. It's been a few weeks since I heard these sounds, and I didn't realize how much I was missing them.

I've seen a lot since my last update. I saw a ringed brown dwarf that looked hot pink in color. That was neat. While on one planet scanning some plants, you know just going through the motions, I looked up and lost my wind. Through the thin atmosphere a beautiful ringed gas giant hovered in the sky like an imperial ghost haunting the silence of that world. The actual wind of the planet seemed to stir the sand at my feet as if it knew what I beheld. Just beautiful.

But that was nothing compared to the moon I landed on in the Smaidiae region. It was so close to the nearby ringed giant that the rings actually penetrated into the orbital cruise zone. It was at an odd angle, but I was able to use my SRV's external camera to get an amazing shot. It felt like I could use the SRV's thrusters and jump right onto the rings. Simply amazing. The thermal and magma vents on the surface of the moon added a bit of geological interest as well.

I checked out another planetary nebulae in the region as well. That was no less beautiful but after that moon it just didn't have the same effect on me.

I then finally made my way over here to the CW Brazilian Flag. Gone were my initial worries about the crazy folk living on these carriers. They are... well let's just say unique, but they are still just regular people. Most of them seem to be long-haul miners missing their homes. I can understand that, I guess, even if I don't share the sentiment. In fact, in their eyes, I imagine I'm the one that seems a bit odd and out of place. While the carrier makes a fair amount of coin from my data, so they are nice enough to me as I walk the corridors, these folks miss their homes while I'm the one haring off in random directions with no thoughts of being back home. I'm guessing they left before the 'goids started their invasion, but they have to know about it from the feeds. It makes me wonder what they really think about me. Probably best to not ponder that for too long.

Speaking of data... the last carrier didn't have a Vista Genomics office setup like this one does, so I was finally able to offload thousands of light years worth of organic scans. I almost had a heart attack when I saw my credit balance. I... I have about 4.5 billion banked now. Might not be much to some folks, but that's more than I've ever seen before. Wow. Gonna take a while to get used to seeing that many digits. Definitely not complaining, though!

It's about time to set out again. Might be a little bit before my next log. The first half of this next leg will have me continuing to skirt the rim of the outer arm until I reach the border between the Formidine Rift and the Errant Marches.

Hope I find some interesting things. Wish me luck.
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