Logbook entry

Colonia Arrival

16 Jul 2023Taneth
Day 65 | 22,000LY from Sol | Inner Scutum-Centaurus Arm | EOL PROU Sector |

Just made it back to civilization. Well, sort of. I've arrived at Jacques Station in the Colonia system. It's been a long time since I've been out this way. I suppose I took the scenic route getting here, since it took me a little over two months. It feels weird seeing stations, carriers, and traffic again. Part of me is glad to be back around lots of other people. Most of me is itching to get back out in the black again. The sheer number of stars in the area is nearly overwhelming after spending months in the dark reaches of the rim.

Partway here, I ran into a system with an ammonia atmo world that was registering some biological signals, so I flew down to take a look. I came into atmo near the sunset region of the planet, and was immediately shocked at the vibrant reds that greeted me. I half expected to hear Latin chanting when I disembarked on the surface.

Speaking of Latin chanting, I think I've just about shrugged off that Raxxla nonsense. I'm not going to say I won't check out eighth moons or anything anymore, but I've stopped perusing the codex and coming up with wild theories. It's nothing more than a passing fancy to me now... because deep down I think I know it's probably bullshit. Or at least, that's what I'm telling myself so I don't go crazy. Nobody has found it yet. If it exists, which I am beginning to doubt, it may never be found. I'm still an explorer, though, so I'm still going to explore interesting things I find... including gas giants with abnormally large numbers of moons.

Speaking of which, I found a system not far from here with over 50 bodies. Several of them registered biologicals but with no atmospheres. The gravity on most of them were too great for me to disembark, but I did manage to get out on one of them to get a couple of nice shots of these anemone type plants. I had to be careful though, as the heat of that planet started cooking me inside my suit as soon as I stepped out.

I'll be here in Colonia for a few days, at least. I've got to see Etienne Dorn and get some final modifications done to the Ecco. After that... well I haven't decided yet. I may head towards the core again since I'm so close, or I might just make a beeline for my ultimate destination out at Beagle. I'm even considering heading right back to the rim and continuing spinward on a circumnavigation. Not sure I'm that crazy, to be honest.

First, though, I think I'll head to the bar for a few drinks that aren't Lavian Brandy and aren't served in a Hutton Mug.
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︎9 Shiny!
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