Logbook entry

Wearing Thin

15 Aug 2023Taneth
Day 95 | 35,825LY from Sol | Dryman's Point | Phooe Auscs Sector |

Oh. Right. This thing. I think I forgot I was supposedly committed to making logs of this journey. Too much brandy, too much black, maybe a little bit of madness. I started out staying on top of it and I think I had great intentions. It's hard to remember. That was months ago.

The core and Colonia were too bright. I'm not used to that much light. It took too long for my eyes to adjust as I began heading towards the opposite rim. I've been sleeping a lot, as a result, curled up in my bunk for hours or days at a time while parked on some moon.

I've seen a few things, between bouts of sleeping. I found this cool nebula that seemed to be touching a star.

Then I found an even cooler, fiery nebula with twin stars and a moon. The nebula looked like the aftermath of a massive explosion, and I started thinking about those ancient stories about phoenixes and thought... well... maybe those could be its eggs!

I sent my data and images to the folks over at the Galactic Exploration Catalogue, but they didn't seem very impressed. Oh well. Not sure I'll bother sending anything over to them again, not that I hold any ill will. Just... what's the point, you know? From what I hear on the GalNet it sounds like all of civilization is on the brink, so who cares about some nebula out in the middle of nowhere? Goids abducting people in escape pods? I don't even want to think about what they are doing with those people.

So I don't. Instead, I sleep. Then <hic> jump. Then sleep. Jump. Sleep. Jump. Scan. Sleep. Jump. <hic> Scan.

<sounds of a mug falling off a console, bouncing on the floor, loud cursing and fumbling noises>

Ugh... might not be any brandy left when I get to Beagle at this rate. If I ever get to Beagle. My fault, I suppose, for taking the indirect route. I'm still committed, yeah I see that look in your eyes, but you know... I've also forgotten the feeling I had the first time I cashed in my data. Those billions of credits are just numbers on a screen now. What good do they do me out here? None. None at all.

And what's up with those whispers I keep hearing in witchspace?

<long pause>

Anyway, not sure why I'm still dictating this to the computer, and there's sleeping and jumping and scanning and brandy drinking to do.
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