Logbook entry

A Bit of Recuperation

19 Sep 2023Taneth
Day 130 | 45,172LY from Sol | Sagittarius-Carina Arm | Abairdy Sector | DSSA Gilles Villeneuve T2X-16T |

This will be a short one, my dear log. I docked at the DSSA Gilles Villeneuve a few days ago. I'm now a wealthy man, having added over six billion more credits to my account from the proceeds of my data collection efforts. Not long ago I was a little embarrassed at the sheer amount of credits my account was adding up to, but I'm slowly getting over that feeling. So what if I could buy a handful of these fleet carriers? Surely I'm not the only CMDR with those kinds of funds. At a certain point, it just becomes a ridiculous amount and the money doesn't really matter anymore. Maybe that makes me a bad person? Who the hell knows? All I know is that it's not why I came out here.

Spending a few days on this carrier around other people has done me good. I like going it alone for long stretches, but I'm learning that even I have my limits. I've also learned that I'm getting pretty sick of Lavian Brandy, so it's good to sample some of the 'local' sauce.

Then again, these folks spend all their time ages away from home too. Maybe we're all just the same kind of crazy.

Anyway, did see an interesting binary moon pair that was in pretty close proximity to the rings of a gas giant. Made for some impressive views from the surface.

Anyway... that's all I've got this time. Setting my plotter antespinward and continuing on soon. I think I'll have a few more drinks first, though.
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︎3 Shiny!
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