Logbook entry

Almost There

04 Nov 2023Taneth
Day 176 | 61,921LY from Sol | Acheron | Cheia Dryoae Sector |

Well... it's clear to me now that I haven't been as faithful to my log entries as I had initially planned. I keep finding ways to procrastinate and not make an entry. Busy with ship repairs. Plotting the next leg of my course. That bottle of Lavian won't drink itself. You know, all the usual little lies we tell ourselves.

I have been busy, though my overall pace has slowed somewhat. I'm in with the rhythm of the black, now. Slow and steady. Lots of sleep.

While I was flying through the Dryman's Point and Sagittarius Carina Arm regions, I saw so many crystal formations and peduncle trees. It's kind of crazy, you know? They exist almost nowhere else in the galaxy, and yet seem to be everywhere in those regions... almost as if they know about the borders humanity has drawn. Kind of creepy, really. Anyway, I did see a really pretty grouping of crystals just before I exited into Mare Somnia:

Then, later on, I managed to capture a pretty impressive (I think) nighttime shot on a small ice body. The galaxy spread before me in the night sky provided the only light, and my drone cam happened to catch a neat silhouette of me standing on the surface:

Last week I made it to my last pit stop at the DSSA Jolly Roger. I stayed a couple of days there to recuperate, and then headed back out and plotted my final leg to Beagle Point. Currently, the computer says I have just under 200 jumps to get there. It's kind of surreal, to be honest, to think that I set out on this little expedition of mine almost half a year ago. But here I am... almost there. Soon, the sun will set on this trip and I'll be turning back towards home, and all the nonsense there is to find back there.

Then again, I took my time getting out here. I suppose I can take my time getting back, too!
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