Logbook entry

Six Months to Landing

13 Nov 2023Taneth
Day 185 | 65,647LY from Sol | The Abyss | Oevasy Sector | SG-Y D0 B 9 F |

I departed on May 13. Today is November 13. By my reckoning, that's about six months.

I landed on the furthest planet of Ishum's Reach today. I'm not entirely sure it has sunk in, yet. It's just surreal.

Let's go back a little though. I absolutely can't leave out that, since my last log, I did manage to stumble upon a lovely O2 atmosphere world with some biological signals, but what always takes my breath away about those words are the astounding sunsets. See for yourself:

From there, I made pretty good time... and more than a few credits. Last night, I finally completed the jump into Beagle Point. I scanned the beacons, I saluted a dog that's been dead nigh on a decade, and I landed and walked around a bit on a moon. I then headed over to one of our squadrons carriers, the TFCS Wings of Time, conveniently parked in the system by our very own CMDR "NotAScratch" Hunter_TTC." I sold some data, relaxed a bit at the bar, and then prepared for the final leg.

Almost forgot the most important part. Well, to me anyway. While I was on that moon I finally delivered the cargo I had been hauling all this time. One ton of Hutton Mugs and one ton of Lavian Brandy. Well... minus a little bit of tribute to the captain, as well as some for the return journey. Most of it, though, you can be sure.

So then I began the slow process of single-jumping to Ishum's. Sure, there's some "recommended" routes other pilots have taken, but I'm not usually one to stay on the beaten path. I am an explorer, after all, so I made my own way. Just a few short jumps later, and a nice cruise to the outer edge of the system, and I made it. Over 100k Ls from the entry point, and over 65,647LY from Sol. The furthest mankind has travelled, save those suiciders that point out from here and just keep going until they run out of fuel and oxygen. I walked around on the planet that is further from Earth than any other known planet. Me.

Like I said. Surreal. I may have looked out into the black and just wondered for a hair of a second. What if. How far? Seriously, though... just a microsecond. That's all. The thought passed before I really processed it.

I'm going to soak it in for a bit before heading back to Beagle, and then start planning the long, long journey back home. I hope the war is over with by the time I get back, but somehow I doubt it.
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