Logbook entry

Hard Push to Colonia

26 Nov 2023Taneth
Day 198 | 22,0007LY from Sol | Inner Scutum-Centaurus Arm | Eol Prou Sector | Colonia | Jaques Station |

What a whirlwind! I set out from Ishum's and Beagle after spending about five days there, and a week later I now find myself back in Colonia. Well over 40,000LY in such a short amount of time. That was some heavy travel, and I pushed hard into some late cycles while still managing to do some exploring and find a few interesting things on the way. I haven't pushed that hard since I left home, but something about nearing the end of my expedition and heading back has been pushing me. Despite all the xeno troubles that have been going on in the bubble, I am still anxious to get back.

On the way, I found a few binary moon pairs that were close to gas giant rings. These always provide some stunning and slightly alarming views.

But the allure of an oxygen atmosphere planet and the subsequent vistas never cease to amaze me. Just stunning.

I found as I got nearer to the core in such a short amount of time, the sheer volume of interesting or lucrative things to scan increased exponentially. The rarity of discovery one experiences on the fringes of the galaxy condenses to a flurry. It seems every system has something noteworthy to investigate. This took the cake, though. The same system I took the above beautiful shot in had four bodies that each had massively valuable biological data. This one image contains Recepta Umbrux and Tussock Stigmasis. Given that I was the first to set foot on these worlds, this shot alone was worth almost 160 million credits.

Needless to say, I'll be returning to the bubble a rather wealthy man.

Speaking of which, I plan to continue on after my brief respite at Jaques Station. I had planned on heading straight home, but I'm now considering detouring slightly to meet up with some fellow squadron folks who just set out on an expedition of their own. It won't be too out of the way, and it'll be good to see CMDRs KnightFury_Ed_TTV and Conjoron before I return home.

I can't believe I'm nearing the end of this journey. I certainly won't ever forget it.
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