Logbook entry

Let's Do Some Science

04 Jun 2024Taneth
15,992LY from Sol | Norma Arm | Byeia Ain XO-R Sector |

I just realized that I never completed my logbook when I returned to the bubble from my last nearly seven-month expedition. I guess I got too caught up in things. You see, if you'll forgive me, I jumped sidelong into the thargoid war upon my return. Well, not at first. I decided to spend some time upgrading my Artemis suit and got involved in all sorts of odd, even covert, activities at ground installations. I did a few things I'm not very proud of, if I'm being honest.

So then I decided to do something to help out, and I joined the fray against those dangerous space flowers. I think I've done pretty well, even. I managed to be present and assist in the destruction of all four of the massive titans that humanity has managed to defeat. I've joined up with others and even coordinated some attack wings. My squadron is starting to call me a veteran now... but I don't know if I really feel like one.

It was after the second titan was knocked out, though, that I started getting that familiar urge to head back out into the unknown. I have more money than I know what to do with, so I got a new ship and decided to fix it up for long-distance travel. Not that I needed much money, it was just a Cobra Mk. 3, but I wanted to get a feel for what it was like back in Jameson's days.

I took it down to the Zurara and listened to the infamous last logs. Terrible... just terrible, what happened to those folks. On my way back, though, I saw something that reminded me of the more peaceful life I led alone out in the black:

I got back in time to take out Oya, but then immediately decided it was time to get out again. This time, I wanted my travels to be for something, so I signed up with Canonn to take part in their Landscape Expedition. It seems like something I could drop in and out of, but also be contributing data for their scientists. Hell, with all the data I've collected in my travels... maybe I am a scientist myself, now.

It's laborious work, and we may not find anything. We are chasing the ghost of a signal, after all. But it feels meaningful. I've risen in the ranks of contributors already. I think I'm somewhere around 11th or 12th. Doesn't matter, though, I'm not in it for anything other than a sense of accomplishment, so I'll keep scanning.

I did make it back to help with the fight against Hadad, but here I am... already heading back out to the core. I'm sure I'll go back for Indra and maybe even before then, but for now... I just need to be back out and away from the thargoids for a bit.

Loaded up the Ecco again. Got her some new paint, installed one of those newfangled SCO drives, and am on my way. Maybe I'll manage to find something worth reporting this trip, but if not it's like the folks at Canonn say - at least I will have learned that there was nothing to find.

Anyway, sorry for the delay - signing off now... and I don't even have any Lavian Brandy in my hold.
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