Cmdr Odinoji
Special operative / Adventurer
Registered ship name
Astrophel One
Credit balance
Elite IV
Registered ship ID
Overall assets
Dark Wheel
Denton Patreus

Logbook entry

CMDRs Log - 28th March 3310

28 Mar 2024Odinoji

the ISINOR system: Its the closest permit locked system to the Ryder family homeworld: BD-22 3573.

Isinor, was shrouded behind a permit lock, hurdle I took with ease thanks to the gatekeeper megaships and after a series of missions, the path was clear.

At the helm of the flagship of my fleet: Maximus Decimus, with my newly acquired permit i ventured into the System.

noted a persistent signal source with two cargo dealers with nothing in the hold but a little palladium and antiques.

The real riddle awaited me at the unauthorised installation. Outside the purple building floating in space, Two pirate factions, were fighting to the death. The NPCs were engaged in a new dialogue i have never heard before.
The composition of their forces was no less peculiar: Only Elite Cutters, Anacondas, and Corvettes engaged in a brutal dance of mutual destruction. These were no ordinary pirates, but skilled and well-equipped combatants driven by motives that, to my advice, the pilot federation hasnt fully investigated yet.

Leaving them fight, I set my sights on my initial point of interest: an unauthorized installation. Unlike anything i have ever encountered in the past, the structure defied all attempts at scan. Its secrets remained stubbornly hidden. Frustrated yet undeterred, I have sent a scout to explore its numerous tunnels which initially appeared sealed but we could easily open them with a plasma shot.
Will report any finds

End Log
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