Cargo Loss
15 Jul 2023Naaman Aram
What a blunder! I'm going to contact Pilots Federation and file a lawsuit against Brewer. It's called *ADVANCED* auto dock. What kind of advanced system crashes your damn ship?????? I swear, in the cutter it has constant issues taking off from any orbital station, constantly putting in too much input and trying to bump into walls. Just now a spastic beluga pilot decided to come to a stop right in front of the mail slot, so the autopilot decided it best to try and go under it where there was no room forcing me to take manual control. Easily moving back, then waiting for room I lined up perfectly and hit the boost to scoot out before the next in a line of liners made their approach. However I struck my zero throttle key by mistake and so after boosting to 300m/s the auto-pilot thought it best to take over and apply FULL DOWN PITCH ramming into the side of the slot. Surviving with 1% hull the autopilot made the decision to continue thrusting forward before I could recover. 40 million in tritium and a 30 million insurance payment LOST. This is mega frustrating. It already takes HOURS to refill the carrier and now I'm taking losses in the process.