Logbook entry

Returning to the Black

03 Jun 2024Fleetwind
Captains Log, 3310-06-03

Been a while since I made any entries into this log, but now that I'm finally back in action after that prison stint I figured I might as well start this flight journal up again.

Things have changed in the last year - the Thargoid threat seems to have morphed extensively from what I remember, and getting back into the swing of things on that front is going to take some doing, but I'll get it done one way or another, like I always do.

My most pressing issue now is that my time away has resulted in a significant debt in the way of back wages for my Carrier crew. I suppose I should be thankful that they stuck around at all - I probably wouldn't have in their shoes. Here's a reminder for myself to get them a shipment of Lavian brandy as thanks. Thankfully I have enough funds squirreled away to pay their back wages immediately, but that hole in my wallet is going to take some time to fill.

In any case, it's good to be back in the saddle, and I'll try to remember to make entries here more often, if for no other reason than to keep my head on straight.
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