Logbook entry

Outer space Zoology. File 3

15 Jun 2023Strangecassowary
<Begin audio log>

<The log starts with a woman talking, a lot of excitement.>

“Is. Is this on? Ah good! Right. Here’s the file you need. Sorry ‘bout being a bit late. Stuff came up.

Space lemmings
Threat level; 0

Right. From previous logs, it is likely obvious that the majority of life live on the equator of the planet, which I call Freezing Hope. Code name, y’know.

In any case, this animal too, lives upon the equator, the warmest part, as you would probably know, subsiding off of a substance similar to Sap of earth that exists within tree-like Xenoflora. It is a quadruped, standing at 7.5-8.5 centimetres, and it is very, very fluffy. I put it to the higher ups as a possible domesticate-able. Haven’t got a result yet but uh. Bloody hell those things are cute. They, roll to get around, saving body heat. It’s just. Adorable. That’s the, easiest way to put it. Adorable.
Oh! Can’t forget. It seems to just, plop itself down on the branches of the Xenoflora, lounging in the sun to warm itself up, a way to keep warmer. It’s just….
<the woman appears to trail off at this point, before recollecting themselves about five minutes later.>

Ah. Sorry. They’re awesome little buggers, is all. Bloody, bloody adorable.”

<End of log>
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