CMDR's Log 01
15 Aug 2024Eric Vonsa
02/01/331014:30 Galactic Standard Time.
Location: System link error. Location recording offline.
Involved parties: Classified. Ship identification data removed from records excluding model.
CMDR Eric Vons POV
Woke up in the cockpit of my Cobra MK lll. I went to sleep at the helm while floating in the black. Waiting at the main sequence star for a new ship to drop out of hyperspace. And then out of supercruise and into normal space. It's usually used by pirates and smugglers by a nav beacon. Where there's going to be so many ships dropping in and jumping out that finding the jump wake of the one you want can be tough. For less experienced bounty hunters anyway. My sensors just detected a small or medium size ship. A quick scan revealed that it is a Python, wanted, and headed straight to me. Most likely plans to pirate me. And here comes the hail.
"Cobra mk lll. I want the contents of your cargo hold."
"Python, If I refuse?"
"Cobra mk lll. Then I will force you to give me what I want."
"Understood Python. Perhaps we can come to an agreement? Maybe even a mutually beneficial agreement?"
"Cobra. What sort of agreement are you thinking about?"
"Python. I'm thinking about an exchange of cargo."
"Exactly what sort of cargo are you thinking of exchanging Cobra?"
"Python. What do you have aboard?"
"32 tonne containers of gold. 250 tonne containers of palladium. And a tonne container of rescued titan captive."
"And I assume you are transporting them to a medical quarantine center?"
"Perhaps. Though some people are willing to pay a lot of credits for them."
"Really? Well I will give you everything in my cargo hold for the tonne container with the person inside."
"So you are going to give me 32 tonne containers of meta-alloys. In exchange for one container?"
"Yeah, I will. I mean technically it's illegal for you to transport them and your already wanted. So why not get rid of them?"
"You make a very compelling point. I accept the deal."
"Very well. Python I will space my load and then board and manually transfer the cargo to my ship."
I spaced my hold's contents. And head over to the python. After boarding, I check the container I am taking is the right one. I reseal the container and drop it out the cargo bay doors using my suit thrusters to maneuver it in through the cargo bay doors of my own ship. After I have everything secured I head to the bridge and grab the controls high waking into hyperspace and away from the system and the python. Before they find out that they just received 32 empty tonne containers.
//Connection established.
//Uploading datalog to Imperial Intelligence Division...
//Upload complete.
//Activating encryption protocols and wiping drive...
//Waiting for next command.