Cmdr CMDR Eric Vonsa
Special agent / Diplomat
Registered ship name
L.L.V. Hubward
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Python Mk II 528-EV
Overall assets
Lavigny's Legion
Arissa Lavigny-Duval

Logbook entry

CMDR'S Log 18

15 Aug 2024CMDR Eric Vonsa
06:00 Galactic Standard Time
Location: Docking Bay 07, Drebbel Port, Yash System.
CMDR Eric Vons POV

I head to the bridge of my new Krait MK ll. I access the station services and register it as the L.L.V. Hubward. With a ship ID of 528CEV. I then request that certain modules from my old Cobra mk lll, such as the class 4 hull reinforcement package and the engineered military grade hull package, my packhound missile launchers, and other optional internals like my DSS and utilities like shield boosters be added to my ship. After making sure everything is correct I hit the submit button. 'Damn the price of this is going to be expensive. I'll have to sell what remains of my Cobra I just paid about 500,000 credits insurance price for a new one just to save some modules. I'm going to have to be very careful with this ship until I get it properly kitted out and about 10 rebuys available to me.' I thought to myself. 'On second thought maybe I should just sell this one. At a different station.' I thought.
I turn and head back towards the ship exit. "Senator, I think you should accompany me. We're going to have to go explain why my other ship exploded inside a hangar bay and I expect your position and status will be required. Quite heavily, I suspect." I say poking my head into the ship's Medical Bay. "Oh and how exactly do you plan to explain it away?" Aurora asked rising and walking beside me. "The truth." I said. "You intend to tell them that you have a Guardian AI that suddenly went mad and blew up the ship and the whole landing pad with it?" She asked. "No, I will explain it as an assassination attempt on your life. Which is what it was." I answered. "And the person responsible?" She asked as we passed the armory and I slipped inside retrieved my Manticore Tormentor and checked it before holstering it. "The same group who attacked your ship on your family's trip through the Prism System to take up the position of senator." I explained. "Ok, I will back you on this Commander. But, only because there's no other quick way to get this handled." Aurora said as we stepped out and onto the lift which took us down to the landing pad.

06:15 Galactic Standard Time
Aurora's POV

I let Commander Eric Vons go in front of me as I followed behind in a manner that clarified that I was in charge. I stopped by one of the landing gear to wait. We crossed the landing pad and headed over towards the exit to the concourse. About halfway there we were intercepted by a group of station security. "Commander Eric Vons. You are the registered owner of the L.L.V. Hubward. Formerly a Cobra mk lll. Is that correct?" The leader of the squad announced as he and his men approached. "That is. Officer?" Eric answered. "Muller. You are under arrest for a act of terrorism against this station." He said. "Hand over your weapon and come peacefully." He added. "I'm confused, officer. What terrorism?" Eric responded. "At between 03:15 to 03:30 we detected an explosion from the landing pad upon which your ship, a cobra mk 3, was berthed." "Yeah, alright. But I want it known that I didn't blow my own ship up." Eric said raising his hands up in a gesture of surrender. "That remains to be seen." Muller said, gesturing for his men to take him into custody.
The squad obediently and with swift, precise, actions born of discipline and training. They put his hands in cuffs and take his Tormentor. "Be careful with that. I want it back in one fully working piece." Eric said. "I don't think you're going to be getting it back. Unless you have a really good reason for why you blew up your ship." Muller said. "How good is an assassination attempt as a reason?" Eric said as they began to lead him away. "You tried to assassinate someone?" Muller asked. "No, someone else tried to do that to me. Or more accurately, my passenger." Eric said as he walked. "Passenger?" Muller asked. "Didn't the spaceport flag My ship as a VIP with all the appropriate credentials?" Eric asked. "No, we received no such notice" Muller responded. Eric sighs. "My Lady, if you would please educate these men." Eric called out to me in a clear voice. Gesturing the best he could at the surrounding squad.
I took my cue to interject myself into the situation and strolled up behind them with grace and poise perfected from years of tutoring and interacting with the upper echelons of imperial society. My voice, utilizing the same tone that the commander has been on the receiving end of a few times already, cracked across the space between us causing everyone to flinch. "What is the meaning of this?" I demanded in a tone of authority and indignation. The squad turns to face me at the sound of my voice. "Officer. I asked you a question and I really don't like to repeat myself." I said sternly. "Uh, this man is being arrested for terrorism against the Empire and this spaceport." Muller said. "Officer, I am Aurora Quinta Rebia. Senator of the Prism System. I demand that you address me with the respect due to a person of my status and position in the Empire." I snapped. "Y-yes, My Lady. Of course. I meant no disrespect." Muller stammered.
"Now, answer my question." I added. "This man is under arrest for terrorism against the Empire and this spaceport." Officer Muller said. "And what exactly makes you think that my pilot and chief of security is guilty of these crimes?" I demanded crossing my arms and gazing sternly at the group. "It was his ship that blew up." Officer Muller answered. "So you mean to tell me that his ship. The one he has used to fly me around the galaxy for essentially the last half a month blew up. And that is automatically a act of terrorism? What if it had been equipment malfunction, or an attempt to assassinate me?" I asked. "Well we recovered the logs from the black box and it shows everything was going haywire. Then there was a large data transfer from the ship before it's self destruct sequence activated." Officer Muller said.
"And how does that connect him to terrorism. Sounds like a major set of equipment malfunctions." I said. "I mean sure, but-" Officer Muller said before I cut him off. "So you don't have any real proof besides the fact that he owns the ship." I stated firmly. "Well, uh." He starts. "Yes or no?" I asked. "No, My Lady. That's all we have on him." Officer Muller said reluctantly. "Then let him go." I said. "But we can't do that!" Muller said. "I need him to fly my ship for me. He's my pilot. And if I find out he was responsible for the explosion then I will take the appropriate actions. And I can bring Imperial Justice down on him a lot harsher and swifter than you can." I declared. Officer Muller shrugged.
"Alright, My Lady. He's all yours." He says gesturing for Eric to be released. The guards removed the cuffs and hand him back his gun. Then they step back. Eric holsters his gun then rubs his wrists lightly before he let his hands rest by his sides. "Now, let's get out of this port and maybe to a different system." I say to Eric. "Of course, My Lady. I'll prep the ship." He says as he turns and heads to the Krait. I follow him and we both get aboard.
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