Cmdr Eric Vonsa
Special agent / Diplomat
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Lavigny's Legion
Arissa Lavigny-Duval

Logbook entry

CMDR'S Log 26

17 Sep 2024Eric Vonsa
09:00 Universal Galactic Time
Location: Pasteur Prospect, K Camelopardalis 2, K Camelopardalis System
CMDR Eric Vonsa POV

I landed at the planetary port my contact at Chamberlain's Rest had pre-plotted on my ship's computer. I leave my Sidewinder in the hangar and then head into the port interior checking the hangar number I was given by Imperial Intelligence. Pad 04. I make my way through the halls to a lift to hangars on the opposite side of the station. After I get in a express lift I select pad 04. Pad access not authorized. Flashes the message on the display screen. I tried pushing the button again. Same result. I sigh and pop out a small device. A multitool with a different collection of tools including pliers, knife, and screwdriver among other useful tools. Ancient but the best I had for this situation. I examine the panel and then selected a small rectangle shaped wedge. Locking the handle into a straight position I slipped the edge underneath and began to work and pry the panel off. After about a minute I can see wires with a quick snip of the wire for button 04 and the authorization system I had two ends. I stripped the insulation back with the knife and then twisted the two ends together with the pliers. Then I pushed the button again.

Pad 04 authorized. The display panel flashes as the lift starts to move. 'Simple solutions are not always pretty, but effective.' I think as I regard the mess of wires and half attached elevator panel. The doors slid open and I step out into the hangar. On the Landing Pad is a DBX. "Alright, let's see if acquiring you is as easy as the lift was." I say aloud. I approach the DBX and head towards the back and manipulate the boarding ramp controls. The ship opens right up. "Some people never lock their ship up properly." I muttered. I enter the ship and notice that I am in the cargo bay. I swiftly cross it and head towards the bow of the ship. My path takes me along the Port side of the DBX past the SRV bay and then the engineering section. The hall ends at a door labeled cockpit. On the Starboard side of the hall is a door labeled Medical Bay. A ladder on the Starboard wall leads up to a hall on the Starboard side. The hall leads to the crew living and hygiene section and the armory. I enter the cockpit and take the pilot seat.

Powering up the displays I selected the launch command. The station controller clears me for launch and my pad moves out of the hangar. After lifting off I turn the ship so it faces up and start to throttle up. "Lakon vessel return to the port. Your clearance has been cancelled." The station controller called out over the commlink. "Understood control, coming back now." I said. I bring the DBX around and make it appear that I am starting back towards the port. "Control, what is the reason for cancelling my flight clearance?" I added. "You are not the registered owner of the ship." The station controller said. 'Well that's definitely true.' I thought. "Control, this is my ship." "Commander, we have a pilot here who disagrees. And has provided proof the ship is his." They respond. "I'm sending you my proof now." I said submitting a little virus packet over the communication channel. I pull up on the controls bringing the ship back around as the virus gets opened.

A few seconds later I hear chaos on the other end of the line before they get it closed as "Breaking the Law" by Judas Priest starts blasting through the control center. I started boosting away from the planet. The DBX didn't handle anything like a Cobra mk lll. And moved far too slowly for my taste. Station security began to follow me firing their weapons. My shields flashed as they took the hits and were beginning to fail. "Oh come on. That was supposed to delay them a few more minutes." I growled in frustration as the DBX seemed to take it's time to clear the mass lock. The second the indicator switched off I practically punch the FSD button. The top right display flashed FSD inhibited by mass lock factor of 20. "Shit." I cursed boosting again. The DBX surged forward and the FSD began to charge faster. I boosted again the second I was able to and watched the FSD charge indicator finish charging. "4, 3, 2, 1, Engage." Verity, the COVAS, called out. The hyperspace tunnel appeared as the stars around me flashed forward becoming streaks of light before I was propelled into and through witchspace. Dropping out a system away I pulled the pitch up so the ship would avoid the star. I check the modules installed. Class 5a FSD, double engineered. 4a thrusters, 4a powerplant, 3a fuel scoop, and a few other modules all a rated. None of the others besides the FSD appeared to be engineered though. I access the galaxy map and plot a course back to Imperial space.
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