Cmdr Xeno Zera
Thargoid hunter / Federal agent
Registered ship name
XSF Retribution
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Federal Assault Ship AXC-21
Overall assets
Anti-Xeno Initiative
Zachary Hudson

Logbook entry

Azimuth? No thanks.

10 Jul 2023Xeno Zera
I'm no poster boy.

The holo-call connection crackled to life, projecting the face of the Azimuth Biotech representative on Xeno Zera's communication terminal. Xeno's expression hardened, his eyes filled with frustration.

Representative: "Commander Zera, it's a pleasure to speak with you. We were hoping you would consider attending our invitation-only event. Your presence would be a tremendous PR boost for Azimuth Biotech."

Xeno's voice carried a hint of skepticism as he leaned forward, ready to voice his concerns.

Xeno: "I appreciate the offer, but I have no intention of attending your event. Azimuth Biotech and its connection to 'Salvation' are precisely why we find ourselves facing the Thargoids' recent technological advancements. Your actions have endangered countless lives."

The representative's face remained composed, attempting to maintain a professional demeanor despite Xeno's direct accusations.

Representative: "Commander Zera, I understand your concerns, but Azimuth Biotech is working tirelessly to find a solution to the Thargoid threat. We believe that by collaborating with other partners, we can pool our resources and knowledge to combat the encroaching danger."

Xeno's voice grew more impassioned, his frustration becoming evident.

Xeno: "Collaborating with Azimuth Biotech and 'Salvation'? You expect me to trust those who have brought about advancements in Thargoid technology? The Battle of HIP 22460 was a turning point, and the consequences of that operation were disastrous. I won't be part of an organization that jeopardizes humanity's safety."

The representative's face faltered, revealing a hint of understanding.

Representative: "Commander Zera, I acknowledge the mistakes that were made, but we must move forward and find a way to counter the Thargoid threat. Our invitation is extended to you because we believe that your expertise and experience are invaluable in this endeavor."

Xeno's gaze hardened as he leaned even closer to the holo-display.

Xeno: "My expertise is dedicated to protecting humanity, not aligning with those responsible for the Thargoids' advancements. I will continue to fight the Thargoids on my own terms, alongside trusted allies. Your invitation holds no allure for me. I have no intention of shedding my reputation to save your company."

The representative sighed, realizing the futility of their attempts to persuade Xeno.

Representative: "I respect your decision, Commander Zera. Should you ever reconsider, our doors remain open. We truly believe that collaboration is the key to success. Until then, I hope we can find common ground in our shared goal of safeguarding humanity."

Xeno nodded.

Xeno: "Our goals may align, but our methods and intentions diverge to a degree that makes me question Azimuth's loyalties. I will not compromise my principles. Goodbye."

With that, Xeno terminated the holo-call, his focus lingering on the empty hums of his ship for a moment before refocusing on his mission. Azimuth Biotech's invitation may have been tempting to some, but Xeno stood firm in his belief that they were not the solution humanity needed.
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