Cmdr Vasil Vasilescu
Explorer / Trader
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Always Lost
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Elite V
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Asp Explorer SCF1C
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Logbook entry

Emerald Repatriation Society: Dinner Conversation (Pt 6)

29 Sep 2023Vasil Vasilescu

“I still think it was a bad idea,” said Elena idly poking at her orange-cranberry cake sprinkled with sliced, roasted almonds. I was surprised she waited until dessert was served before bringing up the subject of the ERS partially funding a war. Until then, dinner conversation with my sister at Adevăr on Mackenzie Station had been about her difficulty obtaining zoning permits for new refugee housing.

“I agree, though not for the same reason as you," I said. "I’m concerned about the financial impact.” Elena, always an idealist, opposed being involved on the grounds that a charity helping victims of war should not be financing a war.

“Then why didn’t you say anything to Octavia, Vasil?”

I shrugged and cut off a piece of my cake wedge with a fork. “You know how Octavia is once she makes up her mind. She’d already made her decision before meeting with us and nothing was going to change that”

Elena looked to her right, out across the broad, leisure ring of Mackenzie Station with its pristine public parks, and toward Emerald. “Our father would not have allowed this if he was still alive.”

“He was also not as ambitious as Octavia. He was content to be a client. Octavia wants a patronage, maybe even to become a senator.”

“A senator?” Elena shook her head and went back to poking at her cake. “I don’t see that happening. It is going to take way more money and influence to do that.”

“Influence? Oh, you mean like forming a charity to help Imperial citizens in a time of crisis and helping an Imperial-aligned faction keep control of a star system. Octavia thinks much more long term than you might believe.”

“Then this is not going to end with Hixkaramu, is it? The fact that the Imperial Sanctum is in that system is just an excuse; nothing but a way for Octavia to grab a bit more power if the Tribebs manage to win.” Elena pushed away her cake. “Why can’t we just help people, Vas?”

“We are helping people by bringing them to Emerald, but very few things, even charity, are done without thought of reward. In this case, the reward for Octavia and the family is power and influence. “

“That is such a jaded view, Vas.”

“I prefer to think of it as practical, but as practical as I am, I am not certain the return on investment will be worth it for this little endeavor.”

“Is the war at least going in our favor? I can’t find any news about it.”

“It is going as well as can be expected. Fighting is small-scale and mostly between mercenary groups, with neither faction having the advantage. As with most local system conflicts, the loser will probably be the first one to run out of money. Hopefully it will be the Fed Independents since we are committing about twenty million credits day to support the Tribebs and that will add up fast in a prolonged fight. However, if word gets out that the ERS is providing funding to the Tribebs, the Independents will declare open season on any ERS contractor picking up refugees from the Sanctum. If that happens, then transport from the Sanctum to Emerald will probably stop.”

Elena was about to say something when the waiter approached the table. “Compliments of Chef Ioana,” he said pouring two small glasses of palinca and setting the bottle on the table. “She regrets not being able to visit but hopes everything was to your liking.”

“Excellent as always,” said Elena.

Elena and I finished half of the bottle of palinca before we had to leave. Elena left to work on securing more refugee housing and I left to get the Long Road ready for a trip to Hixkaramu. We did not speak any more about the war and it did not occur to me until I was exiting the station that while we were drinking the palinca, Elena seemed preoccupied with something.

Win or lose, it will be best to let this little war run its course. Even if the Tribebs lose, we can still work with the Independents as long as they do not realize we were aiding their enemy. I hope Elena, misguided by some sense of conscience, does not do anything she -or we- will regret.

(Pt 7-->)
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