Cmdr Vasil Vasilescu
Explorer / Trader
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Always Lost
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Elite V
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Asp Explorer SCF1C
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Logbook entry

Emerald Repatriation Society: Grudges (Part 27)

26 Feb 2024Vasil Vasilescu
(--Part 26)
Upon returning to the Emerald Dawn after a supply run to Vogulu, I was informed that a COMSEC message had arrived from Octavia, and that Captain Whitney wanted to meet and discuss the contents. After landing, I immediately went to meet the captain in his office.

“What do you make of this,” asked Captain Whitney turning one of the screens on his crescent-shaped desk to face me. “It arrived two hours ago.”

As of 1340 25FEB3310 Stefan Vasilescu is no longer VP of Information and Public Relations for the Emerald Repatriation Society (ERS). He is no longer authorized to conduct business for ERS and he is to be denied access to all ERS property, services, and information. Michael Vasilescu will be assuming the role as VP of Information and Public Relations. I have directed the new VP to personally oversee the assignment of two flights of dedicated AX fighters to the Emerald Dawn.

Octavia Vasilescu
Director, Emerald Repatriation Society

I was blunt. Captain Whitney had little tolerance for dancing around the truth or non-answers. “Octavia must have finally had enough of Stefan not doing his job and determined his media connections are not worth the trouble he causes.”

“I assume this Michael Vasilescu is another family member, but who exactly is he?” Captain Whitney was also not a fan of nepotism.

“Octavia’s oldest from her first marriage. She had his hyphenated surname, Vasilescu-Weller, legally changed to Vasilescu after the divorce. It was done to not dilute the family name of her heir just as much as it was a slight against her ex-husband; keeping his son but removing his name.”

“It does not surprise me. Your sister seems to enjoy holding grudges.”

“I don’t know if she enjoys it, but her wealth and position have certainly helped her master the art.” Anticipating the Captain’s next question, I added. “Michael is much like his mother, but with the additional attitude and knowledge he will one day inherit the family fortune.”

“I’ve dealt with that type before. There is a certain subset of Imperial Naval Officers who attain rank only because of nepotism. They are tolerable as long as they know how to do their job.” Captain Whitney called up another message. “It appears that your nephew is wasting no time doing his, saying that he will personally accompany the AX fighters when they arrive next week.”

I glanced over the message from Michael. It was short and informative, which I knew Captain Whitney preferred. Michael would be arriving with two flights of three medium AX fighters each and their accompanying ground crew.

What I did not know was whether Michael was acting on his own by accompanying the fighters, or acting on behalf of Octavia in order to make sure the Emerald Dawn was operating the way she desired. I suspected a bit of both, and I am certain Captain Whitney suspected mostly the later.

I was also left wondering why Octavia had suddenly replaced Stefan. The public explanation would likely be the usual polite word play about Stefan leaving to devote himself to other interests. The official, internal explanation would be due to Stefan constantly disappointing Octavia with the way he ran Public Relations, and the constant source of embarrassment that his hedonistic lifestyle caused Octavia. At the core, it comes down to loyalty, and Octavia taking the lack of it in others as a deeply personal insult.

Octavia had justified the Abdicare against Elena based on disloyalty for leaking that ERS had funded a war in Hixkaramu. Now that Octavia knew Stefan was the one who leaked the info, and that he let Elena take the blame, she had to do something. Always shrewd and calculating, Octavia knew she could not ask for another Abdicare; it would make the family and ERS look untrustworthy for two members to be accused of disloyalty. She could not rescind the Abdicare against Elena because that would make her look weak and unsure of herself.

Removing Stefan from ERS was only the first step of whatever punishment Octavia had planned for Stefan. Knowing Octavia, that punishment would be long-lasting. Octavia ruins people like hurricanes ruin cities and Stefan was in her path.

(Part 28-->)
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