A long way for nothing...
20 Nov 2016Unifex
So... I'm out here at Praea Theia PV-A c28-0 which is just under 1kLy from my passengers destination. One kylie straight up. The stars are few and far between out here and I'm as close as I can get without boosting the FSD. I have enough resources for 38 level 3 boosts but I'm not sure if it will be enough. This flaky navcomp won't plot further than one jump at a time with the FSD boost selected so I have no real idea of how many jumps I'll need to get up there and back.Do I go and risk becoming stranded? Fuel Rats can't drop minerals so it will actually be a one way trip. The client isn't going to like that. They really could have pointed out what was of so much interest before we departed.
I blame myself. Myself and Elvira Martuuk. I really should have paid more attention when she was working on the FSD last time. That extra 10Ly would have been very handy right about now...