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Browncoats, Colonia and you can't stop the Signalis

09 Mar 2017Unifex
I was just hanging out at Jaques Station waiting for the next Migration drive announcement (which has started now) when I caught a wave with CMDR Yojimbosan. He's a friend from way back and we can even trace our lineage back to the same small country in the Southern Hemisphere of Earth that was. He was telling me about the faction he's got himself involved with. Radio Sidewinder sound like a good crew. They've got themselves established out here in Colonia and are currently in the process of renaming their initial base. I'm currently in Broadcast Bay, located in Eol Prou LW-L c8-227. Thanks to the recent petition from the sole residents of Eol Prou LW-L c8-227 Universal Cartographics are going to renamed the system to Signalis.

I asked Yojimbosan if this was in reference to the broadwave from Mr Universe and, as it happens, it was.

There's a good chance that we may have allies out here when we get ourselves established.

You can't stop the Signal...
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