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The Mighty Sidewinder and why exobiologists need one

30 Dec 2023Brick Bradford
This text is based on information available in a comic-book style eBook created to share some ideas about the little Sidewinder. It's part of the project that lead to the acquisition of a Fleet Carrier, The Yellow Star, which is home to three Commanders exploring the galaxy.

Exobiologists should have one Sidewinder, the only ship that lands on a space the size of a handkerchief. The little Sidewinder is, in fact, more than a useful all-rounder, it is fast and fun… and the most ecological.

It is the spaceship everybody starts with and the one most forget as soon as they get something else. It’s a pity, because the Sidewinder is not just fun, it’s the most ecological choice, even for Elite: Dangerous. If you’re worried about climate change, then get a Sidewinder. For jumping around in the Bubble it is great and for exploration, if you’ve the support of a Fleet Cruiser, the Sidewinder is a good option, as a second ship, because it can land almost anywhere.

With the Sidewinder, which is the same one Commander Brick Bradford flew for the first time, I can land almost everywhere, meaning there is no need to use a SRV to reach locations. The spaceship was, for a long time, parked at the starting station for new pilots, but I finally decided to ask for it to be delivered to my new home station. I am glad I did, because I rediscovered the joy of flying a nimble ship that is great to travel inside the Bubble, and even to more distant locations, if needed.

My Sidewinder is engineered and has a Guardian FSD boost that helps it to reach almost 40Ly, and I am still working to get some extra range, maybe a couple light years. I also installed an extra fuel tank, so I don’t need to scoop every star. While this is not much, it’s enough for my needs and allows me to do the round of Material Traders and check Unidentified Signal Sources at a very good pace, fully aware that I am doing my part in terms of climate change and pollution reduction. The Sidewinder is the most ecological spaceship around.

Exobiologists will love the Sidewinder, because it is the only ship that can land on a handkerchief. A Cobra MK III has been my regular ship for exploration, combat and travel the galaxy. Recently, I invested in a Krait Phantom, which needs more space to land but is a joy to use. While I love the Phantom with its inside space and 70ly space jump, I’ve had trouble, sometimes, landing close to some exobiology findings.

With a size like a classic from the “old days”, the General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon (15.06 m), the Sidewinder is like having a classic or an old sports car. The rediscovered Sidewinder has a new paint: the yellow livery is in homage of Yellow, the deceased calico cat of Commander Jeff Hawke — my other alt in EDO. With some extra investment in spoilers and lights, this Sidewinder marks the difference, everywhere it goes.

The Sidewinder is now the main Exobiology ship used by the three Commanders in The Yellow Star. Discover how to get your own Sidewinder in Elite: Dangerous ready for exploration. Read more in The Mighty Sidewinder
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