Logbook entry

Sag A and Back - Day 8

14 Sep 2015John Jester
Must be getting close... Plotting a 1kLY route is taking forever!
Today's finds include 2 Water worlds, a cool ringed ELW in OGAIRY CR-N D6-10489.

Had a run in with a sun due to route calculation taking so long. Thats another heatsink gone and a bit more repair ammo!

Went on to find another 5 Water worlds today as well as a couple of gas giants with water/ammonia based life.

It's getting hard to plot a route,  managed 200 ly route at 100 ly out and it took 12mins!
Just plotting 1 or 2 jumps at a time now.

Still finding water worlds/Ammonia worlds/gas giants with life!

Didn't quite make it tonight;  555 LY to go, 24500LY from Kamadhenu!
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︎0 Shiny!
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