Logbook entry

Sag A and back Day 16

22 Sep 2015John Jester
Might as well jump. Jump! Might as well jump. Go ahead, and jump. Jump! Go ahead, and jump. 

Homeward bound... Hopefully back tonight!
A couple of awesome commanders have agreed to escort me home which will be really cool!

Did stop long enough to scan 2 gas giants with water based life and 4 water worlds.

Met Belstarion about 1kLY out; a very welcoming sight!

After an uneventful run back to Cemaes,  avoiding Delane and Hudson space, I nervously docked with 4 pips to shields.

Safely down, I tried to sell my data but it was at this point the servers started to play-up!
Time for a cqc break.

Back to the live servers and everything seemed ok.
Final total earned 24.5 mCr and promoted to ranger.
Also made (only) top 40% of CG at Cemiess, worth 1.5 mCr.
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︎0 Shiny!
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