Logbook entry

Sagittarius A* and back summary log entry

22 Sep 2015John Jester
I'd been gradually kitting out my Asp with a view to heading off to Sag A some time in the future when, after adding the 5B scoop, I realised I had little cash left and due to holiday and work my standing with Arissa had dropped significantly. So why not go now I thought!

Jester's Folly

Asp explorer

Heat sink launcher x 4 (around 0.1 ly per unit so err on side of safety)
Power plant 5D
Thrusters 4D
Life support 4D
Sensors 5D
Fuel tank 5C
Fuel tank 4 (giving 48T total)
Furl scoop 5B
Auto field maint unit 3A x 2
Shield generator 3D
Detailed surface scanner
Advanced disco scanner

So, kitted out, on 6th September 3301, I set off.

The primary goal of this mission was to reach Sagittarius A* and return safely home.  I therefore plotted as direct a route as possible towards Sag A.

Whilst day 1 was pretty uneventful, on day 2 it got a little exciting when, on two occasions, I managed to simultaneously throttle forward and select sys map whilst pointing at a star! That' two heatsinks gone and modules down to 97%.
Repairs done, back on the move.
Went on to find my first Earth Like World of the trip in BYEIA EUQ LM-W D1-126 A 9 followed soon after by a number of water worlds.
Another ELW in LYOORB XJ-I D9-200 (Tested the audio technique and did indeed hear bird sounds though I did find an ELW later on that did not have bird sound).

The next few days were spent Jump-Ping-Scan-Scooping ever onwards towards the core.  I passed through the Pismis nebula, one of the stops on my last deep space run, visiting Pismis 3 home to 2 small black holes (3.2 & 8.9 solar masses).

On day 6 I found around 14 waterworlds and 3 earth likes.  One system, EODGOLS EN-D B 12-20, was home to 3 Water worlds.

On I plodded, finding more water worlds and more gas giants with water and ammonia based life.

By day 8 I was approaching the outer edge of the core and found it was nolonger practical to plot a 1kLY route due to the increased star density.  It very quickly become difficult to plot more than 150LY at a time.
The highlight of the day was a beautiful ringed earth like world in OGAIRY CR-N D6-10489.

I started day 9 just 555LY from Sag A but had to resort to plotting no more than 3 jumps at a time.  But before long (seemed like forever!) I dropped out on Sagittarius A*.

I made it, I'm at the core!  Awesome sight, nice lensing effect.  I can't get too close at all before temperature starts rising!
After playing around the black hole for a little while, it's soon time to start the long haul home.

After only a couple of jumps I dropped out on top of a Brown Dwarf (L) and Red Dwarf (M) and got a bit hot; 250%+!  Took 2 - 3% damage on most modules! There were 2 more pairs of stars in the system.
A quick scan once I was out of danger then I jumped away and made repairs (hull integrity 97%)... Onward!

Eat, sleep, jump, repeat, eat, sleep, jump, repeat, eat, sleep, jump, repeat...

Five uneventful days of jumping, scooping and scanning followed.  I scanned gas giants with water and ammonia based life, a number of water worlds and one more earth like world.

This went on until at last, on Day 16 I met Belstarion about 1kLY out; a very welcoming sight!

After an uneventful run back to Cemiess, avoiding Delane and Hudson space, I nervously docked with 4 pips to shields.
Safely down, I tried to sell my data but it was at this point the servers started to play-up!
Time for a cqc break.

Back to the live servers and everything seemed ok.
Total earnings of 24.5 mCr and promoted to ranger.
Also made (only) top 40% of CG at Cemiess, worth 1.5 mCr.

My Asp is looking nearly as worn as I feel! A good experience but won't be doing it again any time soon.

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