Logbook entry

First Rescue Mission - THARGOIDS!?!

13 Mar 2024Hakulus
3/13/3310 Refitted the Fire Helix (Anaconda) from it's mining duties with passenger cabins in response to distress call from Thargoid controlled space. Headed over there, having almost never SEEN a Thargoid before, except that one time I got flown over when doing material gathering at the Bug Killer site. I was on my way to a system under alert and didn't check my route well and ended up passing through a system under attack! Well, dropped into the system and found a station nearby and locked onto it to see what's up with the passenger needs. Ummm...then all hell broke lose. Interdicted, I submitted immediately and began boosting, thinking I could get back into supercruise quickly. Yeah....NOPE! I had only two heatsinks, used both and after a hundred (ok, maybe not a hundred) boosts I was able to go to supercruise. Only a few light seconds from the station and interdicted AGAIN! Luckily I escaped that one and got into the station and loaded up with 158 desperate people (rich, desperate people) who wanted out. All the while I wondered if any of us were going to survive the "getting out" portion of this trip. All looked well, plotted my course. boosted out of the station to "speeding" warnings and got the hyperspace jump going. All was well!!!! On my way to the next star....until, you guessed it, hyperdicted by ANOTHER Thargoid. This time I lost all shields, used both heat sinks, and took some hull damage. In the end, after 50 screaming messages from the passengers (Ok, maybe not 50) , we escaped and I got them to the rescue ship and took my monetary rewards. Whew! Now to do it 6 more times to get my Inara Samaritan badge, LOL.
CMDR Hakulus
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