Logbook entry

Ummm....I forgot more than the limpets!!!!

15 Mar 2024Hakulus

Well, I decided it was time to engineer up the Anaconda, since I started using it for multirole missions, changing out the modules as the needs arise. After making the requisite material runs (HGE "mining" for Imperial shield mats, then using a material trader to get what I needed), I hit all the necessary Engineers to get the Anaconda "kitted out". BUT, and you knew there was a BUT on the way, I needed to refit the ol' Fire Helix to go mining again. Well, I put everything back in the ship, REMEMBERED to load up with limpets, and made the multi 1000 ly trek across Omicron Capricorni to get to the double platinum overap. Arrriving with my minty fresh Mine-a-conda, I rolled out of the ring plane to get a bead on where that juicy overlap is......what? Wait.....why can't I see the hotspots? Hit this and that on my controls and...OH NO! I remembered the limpets BUT forget to put the Detailed Surface Scanner back in. GRRRRRRRR! No way to see what is where in that fat ring!

So, trek back and get it right? NOPE. I just dove in at a random nice looking spot and started firing off prospectors. I even found a couple of rocks with platinum, but what I also did was un-ignore Painite, Gold, Osmium and a couple of other ores for fun. Used up the limpets I had, then when I ran out of prospectors, I just started blind lasering rocks to see if my collectors would go for the chippings!!! LOL. Anyhow finished off all the limpets and looked for a port, offering decent pay....and found one only 4 jumps away.

Net result of "Mining Half-Blind"? $20,334,704.00 I'll take it!

Signing off,
CMDR Hakulus
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