Logbook entry

Can I fight the Thargoids???

18 Mar 2024Hakulus
3/18/3310 Well, after running all those rescue missions out of Kagutsuchi, and getting hyperdicted by Thargoids so many times, I kind of got used to their presence and escaping them. I finally got brave enough to take a good look at those weird alien flowers and knew that all the AX commanders out there were kicking their butts, with the second Titan under serious attack. How tough could it be, as I was surviving well in the Fire Helix, my trusty Anaconda. I had a Krait II kitted out for combat but barely used it, so I did some research, fitted it out with AX multicannons and went hunting for Thargoid scouts! I had seen NON-human signal sources when getting Thargoid Sensors for one of my engineers, so I went back out to the Pleiades Sector and sure enough, found some scouts!

First I took them on 2 at a time....surprisingly easy...well, with an Anaconda loaded out with AX multis it was easy, LOL! Second time I tried 4 at a time and the two other human commanders there were, uhhhh, UN-helpful. I got overwhelmed, hitting the wrong buttons and suffered a sad, and EXPENSIVE, defeat. After that I got the hang of it and wreaked my vengeance, taking out a total of 55 of those little turds before thinking, hey how hard could a Cyclops be really?

This weekend was a workfest prepping for an attempt at real AX combat. Engineering up the Alliance Chieftain, flying out to the Guardian Structures to get Weapon Blueprints for the Guardian Gauss Cannons....a TON of work. Not to mention trying to practice flying FA-off to learn to do something called "Cold-Orbiting". CRAZY I'm gonna try this....hope I live. If you see another log entry, it means it all worked out....to some degree anyhow.

Wish me the best please!
CMDR Hakulus
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