Logbook entry


18 Dec 2024Avalon4094
I was no major part of the Thargoid war. I was not the lead of any Ops, I was not the biggest contributor during combat zones, I was not the hardest bomber, neither was I who rescued the highest number of people.

But I admire those who were. They are heroes to the whole galaxy, to every single human in this little corner of space, and for that, I salute them. I pour a drink to those who died in the crossfire, to who couldn't make it out in time, and to those who were hunted down by all manner of the bugs.

Though I admire every single one of those warriors and response teams, I can't help but feel joy now that the fight is over. Yes, humans being humans will cause conflict, war, piracy. Yes, mismanaged stations and factions cause pain. But despite all that, I feel it is owed to us to celebrate, and admire ourselves, each and every one. For potentially the first time in galactic history, a species was given the means, the courage, and the will to save itself from extinction. For that, we must take pride and joy on this fine day.

As for myself, the federation felt it right to promote me in rank and gave me their blessing to purchase a Corvette. And as such, I will continue to fight. Not against Xenos, but against the criminals that fester in the home of my faction's people. My AX ships may collect dust, but they will do so with a full supply of ammo, ready to roar to life should we ever fight again, even though I hope not.

But for today, this proud day in humanity's history books, I shall rest, I shall drink, and I shall make merry.

-Commander Avalon4094, Bounty Hunter
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