Logbook entry

The War

14 Jul 2023PENNY NOON
I moseyed to the edge of the bubble, roughly towards the pretty nebulae down by Barnard's Loop. So I end up in Seliu Benas and it was a nice area. Very pretty and all the missions were in-system. But will it be there next time? We shall see. I was near and had to pass through Thargaloid controlled space several times. And they attacked me twice. Once, fatally!! What a bunch of jerkgoids! Some systems ports are abandoned or under attack. So another time I ran the gauntlet and snuck in and docked. Yet, the hangar was closed, and the only missions was sticking my tongue out and giving the raspberries to the busy aggro aliens outside.

And I never saw a CMDR all week so .. I imagine this aggression may well stand! Crap!
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