So the missions boards are nearly dead like everywhere?
19 Dec 2016Evgeny Zi
And the ED galaxy is in Lock Down state currently. Its not experiencing boom of activity and boom of players playing it because of many bright nerf ideas introduced lately and even more coming ;PVast space they said. Humanity flourishing they said..
How about this idea: stations are very populated especially large ones and orbiting multibillion populated worlds, so mission boards there must be like planetary stock - very very rich of missions and offers/requests. Its even better to have minigame like you have hundreds of missions with requirements and they are flowing and someone taking them very fast so need to hurry, or you designate your request for mission depending of yr ship and loadout, filtering them and taking those what interesting to you more.
And in a capital/main station of system where is system government - is even more. And with more requirements. For wings, for admirals/kings with theirs fleets, etc.
This is what I can call the vast universe!
Now I still feel like I`m docking some huge looking villages running with the most of 15 peps just hanging in space.. Having max 7 mission on whole station. And ok, passengers added, somth more, but.. Still. So much abandoness and loneliness in this currently. So where is this great human 3302 year civilization?