Logbook entry

M.R.S.C. Mercator - Carrier Log, Jan 3307

03 Feb 2021FalconFly

Mining and Reconnaissance, Strategic Carrier

SITREP 03 Jan 3307

The Mercator has completed post-Mission Maintenance, sold off its Mining Storage and replenished its Tritium Reserves.
As all main Tasks are complete, the SAR Status has been turned back Green.

For the time being, the Carrier resides in an old neighborhood of mine : HIP 61061
Some Bounty Hunting will be performed on location, while possible new (shorter) Exploration Options are being evaluated.


SITREP 04 Jan 3307

The Mercator has set course towards the 8500LY distant Ingoll Sector.

A few more extra pieces of Equipment were loaded onboard, mainly to afford an on-the-fly retrofit of the CSV Maersk into a heavy-duty Mining Vessel.
After all, no point in having a potent Cutter onboard in pure Cargo role while far in Deep Space.
I'd rather make good use of it in a Mining Hotspot and be able to go beyond the natural build restrictions of the existing Mining CSVs.

This will be a fairly oldschool and very flexible Exploration Campaign without any fixed goals.
"Just do it" is an appropriate description - and the inhabited bubble just ain't my home. I'm simply not a "Bubble Rat".
Too boring, nothing to do here that'd interest me. Deep Space is my home - so back home into the void I go.


SITREP 06 Jan 3307

The Mercator has entered the Ingoll Sector as planned, where it will conduct a prolonged survey of Systems.
Carrier jumps will be frequent but the Carrier will remain within in the general area.


SITREP 07 Jan 3307

The progress is quite slow due to frequent Carrier jumps - but the first ever Earth-like World in the Ingoll Sector has been discovered.

The entire Sector had a total of a mere 29 Systems in the public Databases as of a few days ago. This figure has already climbed considerably, as the Carrier and the TEV Aurora is collecting one remote System after another.

Still on the lookout for a good Mining spot, so far nothing really useful has turned up. So far, only a mere 37t Bromellite went into Storage from a single Tritium Mining run.


SITREP 09 Jan 3307

After locating an extremely high-yield location in the KOI 3675 System, the Exploration part of the current campaign is taking a backseat.

The local Platinum Hotspot in a System of very high Metallicity essentially behaves like a Pristine Multi-Hotspot. Way too good to leave that aside.
With the retrofitted CSV Maesk strip-mining at record speeds, the Mercator has already collected well beyond 1500t of ores in virtually no time.

As a side-effect of the high influx of Metals and Minerals, the Carrier has re-opened its sales.
Pricing allows for upto 50% arbitrage to any buyer. Located still inside the Inner Orion Spur, these more conservative prices reflect the closer proximity compared to when the Carrier was at a much larger distance in Deep Space.


SITREP 11 Jan 3307

Following a Distress Call, the Mercator went into active SAR state and relocated 7300LY to the Aedgorn DL-X d1-0 System, where the Carrier awaits boarding of a stranded Explorer.

Lacking any suitable mining opportunities and being locked into the System for a short while, the idle time is spent replenishing some Elements.
The TEV Aurora consumed quite a few Elements for FSD Synthesis back in the Ingoll Sector, so this is a good opportunity.
On top, a mere 4680LY from SOL there's the occasional POI on Planet Surfaces that yields some Salvage.


SITREP 12 Jan 3307

The SAR Operation has successfully concluded, so that's another Explorer saved from a deadlock situation.

With EDSM being down due to a complete Server Migration, relocating to the next nearby suitable Mining spot look a little longer.
However, something was quickly located nearby and thus the Carrier is on Station filling up again.
Strip-mining in the Cutter is a pleasure, so the Mining progress is very satisfactory to watch.

Not much going on with Exploration at the moment, as there's nothing of interest on my mind.


SITREP 13 Jan 3307

Around 0100 time today, a merchant Carrier conducted a transaction worth almost 400M Cr.
This nicely sold off the biggest chunk of stored Metals and it seems being a Mining Carrier in the Inner Orion Spur is a profitable business.

I could  get used to this, especially since Odyssey got pushed back further - which means I got all the time in the world and can do whatever I want.

I'd still like to be a tad closer to the bubble, so potential buyers don't need to travel too far; the reduced travel range & time should also make all sales even more attractive vs. Tritium cost of a round-trip.


SITREP 14 Jan 3307

The Carrier has relocated a little bit closer to the bubble and now resides  in the Traikaae Sector.

After unsatisfactory yields in a Painite Hotspot at an interim location, the new location offers a classic Platinum Hotspot again with expected yields.
Not quite as good as KOI 3675 - which offered exceptional yields - but good enough.
Although a bit unlikely to be filled out here, a large Tritium buy order has been setup. Under ideal circumstances, Mining sales would make the Carrier not only pay for itself but also for Tritium resupply despite paying a very solid price.


SITREP 16 Jan 3307

The Mercator has relocated again and Mining Operations have commenced in the Smojue KO-G d11-5 System.
Yields seem very high, so this spot just inside 4000LY from SOL will be maintained for a while.


SITREP 17 Jan 3307

The Mercator now holds over 4500t for sale and will move on again shortly.
Nothing unusual to report - except for a CMDR Tahunu who has mapped every single Body in this System for some reason
An offer to fill the open order of Tritium was received... however, a price of 200k was demanded. A mere 4000LY from SOL, that seemed unreasonably high - heck, even in Colonia 22000LY out the publicly sold Tritium typically isn't that expensive.

Mining focus for the next location will likely shift to Core Mining in an Icy Ring.


SITREP 18 Jan 3307

Carrier is now a mere ~3000LY from SOL.
Some mild price optimizations were put in place, still waiting for any buyers for numerous Metals/Minerals.
Platinum and Osmium have been cleaned out again, seems those are far more attractive than classic Metals and high-value Minerals these days.

Will check over the coming days how this works out.


SITREP 19 Jan 3307

The Carrier has moved to inside 2500LY from SOL and now resides at a new Mining location in Bleae Thua PT-O c20-6.

The Tritium offer has been spiced by another 10%, meaning the Mercator is now - literally - "amongst the top 1% of all Tritium buyers out there".

Time will tell if this offer gets filled, 110k/ton for a full 10000t is a Colonia-level offer.... a mere 5 Carrier jumps from the bubble.
It should be noted that the whole point of this exercise is to determine if it is possible to motivate any Carrier to refuel the Mercator.
The global income levels, however, might mean that nobody is moving a finger unless mining-level income is offered - which of course is both highly unfeasible and very uneconomical by any measure.
The outcome of this little experiment might also lead to a re-assessment of the Mercator's SAR status.
After all, if noone is willing to move for the Mercator... why should the Mercator move for others?


SITREP 20 Jan 3307

A considerable amount of Tritium was sourced autonomously from a Hotspot within the current System.
While time-consuming, seems this is far more reliable than hoping for external resupply despite sitting right on the Colonia Highway more or less.
The open Tritium order is slowly and progressively reduced in size.

The Carrier will remain on location for a bit longer to continue harvesting its local Platinum resources.


SITREP 21 Jan 3307

Thanks to a friendly Carrier ( X7J-BQG ), the Mercator's Tritium Reserves have been fully replenished.
With plenty of Metals & Minerals sold as well in the process, the Mercator will move to the edge of the Sol area for a little while.

At the moment, there's simply no plans interesting enough to justify another Expedition. Until the decision making process runs its course on that matter, I'll stick around the bubble.


SITREP 22 Jan 3307

The Mercator has taken station in the Mse System and overnight, most Commodities were sold off by bubble traffic.
Odd System name - but it's definitely easy to remember and quick to type

A suitable mining location has been located nearby, meaning the Mercator will likely cycle between these locations that are a mere 40LY apart.
Current plan is to fill up for a while and cycle back to Mse for a little Bounty Hunting while the Carrier is selling off.


SITREP 23 Jan 3307

The Mercator has returned to the Mse System a last time to sell off Mining Products.
After topping off with Tritium from nearby Refineries, the Carrier will depart back into Deep Space tomorrow.
Most likely Target will be the Empyrean Straits, where the Mercator will conduct a classic Survey for Earth-like Worlds.


SITREP 24 Jan 3307

The Mercator has topped off its Tritium Reserves in the Kvash System after Mourelle Landing in the Mse System ran low on supplies.
Overnight, the remaining Metals/Minerals were sold off at low prices to reduce gross weight.
Carrier is now ready for departure into Deep Space and will launch shortly.

The stay within SAP Core Legion Control/Alliance Space has been very hospitable and 100% Allied Reputation has been attained.
As usual, all Carrier Operations were BGS neutral to mildly positive to the controlling Faction - following established BGS neutrality rules for any recognized Control Space the Mercator takes position in.

The usual side-effect of the Mercator refueling :


Mission II Time : 1 Day

25 Jan 3307 : The Mercator has left the Inner Orion Spur and entered the Norma Expanse.
Course is set towards the Empyrean Straits, although no specific Waypoint has been assigned yet.

Mission II is now active and represents a classic Earth-like World survey campaign. No fixed duration is set, although the Carrier is likely to remain in Deep Space for several months.
A first ELW has been located shortly after departure, tagged but at least unreported for what it's worth. Technically speaking, the campaign is off to a good start!


Mission II Time : 2 Days

26 Jan 3307 : Following a Distress Call, the Mercator has picked up pacing and is headed into the Systua Auscs Sector.
SAR System is a regional "rooftop" and Carrier-only Territory.
Located conveniently in the Empyrean Straits, this required almost no change to the planned course.
Enroute, another ELW was picked up again, so despite the fast travel, good stuff is being grabbed on the fly so to speak.

Distance to go is about 8700 LY, meaning the Carrier will arrive probably around 1300Z (IGT) tomorrow... even I need to sleep once in a while


Mission II Time : 3 Days

27 Jan 3307 : After making a 15000LY dash and approx. 24hrs from initial response, the SAR Operation in the remote Systua Auscs AA-A g10 System has been successfully completed.

This marks the 4th successful SAR Operation of the Mercator, which ranged from stranded Miners, stranded Explorers in ultra remote locations upto performing Emergency Carrier Refueling for a fellow CMDR who ran the big boat out of Fuel in the middle of nowhere.

Now being in the general Target Area at least a Day quicker than expected, the Carrier is relocating to a 2000LY distant candidate Scan Box more or less in the center of the Empyrean Straits, where the original Exploration Campaign can then begin.
As opposed to spherical AORs (Areas of Responsibility) of the previous campaign, the scan pattern will follow Cubic Boxels instead.


Mission II Time : 4 Days

28 Jan 3307 : Within a single Day, no less than 5 Earth-like Worlds were discovered. Seems my location pick was spot-on... or good karma ?
Either way, not complaining.

Codex bugged out on Sinuous Tubers I found though - and a supposed Codex 1st Discovery vanished within hours again
Not a first, so I'm used to seeing stuff like that happen.

A nearby high-yield Platinum Source has also been identified and a first sample run produced a very solid amount in a short time.
Yep, overall this is a good place to hang out


Mission II Time : 5 Days

29 Jan 3307 : Damn, this area is far better than expected.

Taking a little break to fill the free space with Platinum & Co - and there you have a heavy Mining Rig discover another pristine Earth-like World. A mere 10LY from the Carrier o.0
Well, I take that any day.
So despite this Campaign being less than a week old and a LongRange SAR Operation taking up a good portion of it, the record already sits at 10 ELWs.
Things sure can continue like that !


Mission II Time : 6 Days

30 Jan 3307 : The Campaign is making excellent progress in the local area and more ELWs were discovered.

This progress will likely slow down considerably over the next Days due to time-intensive errands, however.
Either way, no hurry and - thanks to extreme System density - a limitless amount of Systems left to scan...


Mission II Time : 7 Days

31 Jan 3307 : Despite being very short on time, another ELW went into the Records.

Time constraints will likely keep slowing things down to a crawl for at least 3 more Days, though.
I checked the Boxel and it looks like there's roughly >7500 Systems left - just in that D-Mass Boxel alone o.0

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︎3 Shiny!
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